This week the Sun is making its closing trine to Jupiter. The Sun always trines Jupiter before Jupiter stations direct. This fortuitous aspect perfects on Friday October 15, 2021, at 22 degrees of Libra and 22 degrees of Aquarius. This is a really positive aspect that makes this week tinged with a hint of luck,…
Checking in with Jupiter in Sagittarius’ Synodic Cycle
This post was originally sent as a newsletter to subscribers, so you’ll see links to my Lunar Journaling E-Course. You can check that out here. Keeping a lunar journal is about more than just tracking the Moon. It is a gateway to a bigger world of astrological understanding. Keeping a lunar journal will show…
Jupiter in Sagittarius 2018-2019: A Monograph
We are each blessed with something good. And there is a good reason why we have been given what we have been given, and we should put that to good use. We cannot carry anything with us when we depart from this world, and hence we should share whatever it is that we have been…
Make a Wish – Jupiter in the Heart of the Sun
When God came to create the world and reveal what was hidden in the depths and disclose light out of darkness, they were all wrapped in one another, and therefore light emerged from darkness and from the impenetrable came forth the profound. ~ Zohar III Click here to sign up for the Atlas Astrology Newsletter…
Of Old Mars & Fair Venus – Mars Combust in Cancer
This is an excerpt from this week’s weekly astrology newsletter to subscribers. Sign up to receive the newsletter here. * E-mail Astrology Readings are available until July 19. * Book a full Natal Chart Reading. * Tickets to Eclipse webinar with Sabrina Monarch are available now! There are two main highlights of this week’s astrology….
Full Moon in Sagittarius – Truth Speaks For Itself
Full Moon at 18 Sagittarius 53 – June 9, 2017 9:10 AM ET Jupiter Direct 13 Libra 13 – June 9, 2017 10:02 AM ET Sun opposite Saturn (Saturn retrograde midpoint): June 15, 2017 – 24 degrees Gemini -Sagittarius The Full Moon in Sagittarius represents a turning point. Its journey to fullness over this lunar…
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo: Love, High Fashion, Daring & Politricks
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo 22 degrees 28 minutes February 10, 2017, 7:32 pm EST Lunar eclipses stimulate the emotional body. This month’s lunar eclipse is both magnified in effect, and broadly fiery in quality. While a solar eclipse creates outer events, lunar eclipses cast light on inner states of being, which can then…
Mercury, Jupiter and Mars – A Dignified Warrior and her Swordfish
While Mercury is in Libra, the mind is clear and objective. This mind is capable of assessments that are free from the biases of desire or preference, allowing for appraisals that consider all the multiple facets of a situation, without exclusion. The decisions that are a consequence of this method of thinking are fully informed. The…
New Moon in Libra – The Bones of Society
The only thing that will bring happiness is affection and warmheartedness. This really brings inner strength and self-confidence, reduces fear, develops trust, and trust brings friendship. We are social animals, and cooperation is necessary for our survival, but cooperation is entirely based on trust. When there is trust, people are brought together—whole nations are brought…
The Time Between Eclipses
We are in the liminal space between two major eclipses. Eclipse seasons bring on a bend in space and time that brings major shifts and changes into our lives, and requires the summoning of the strength we have cultivated to move through this passage of time with awareness rather than fear. Right now we…