July 2, 2019 – Total Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees 38 minutes Cancer at 3:16 pm ET Read Part One of this post here As with any new moon, the moment of this eclipse is a time to best suited for being thoughtful, contemplative, meditative, and receptive — in as far as this is…
Summer 2019 Eclipse Season Part One
Eclipse season is now upon us. Astrologer Bernadette Brady defines eclipse season as a time-period of 36 days. This time-period begins when the Sun is 18 degrees away from the node to which it is transiting nearest by conjunction, and ends after the Sun has conjoined that node and moved another 18 degrees beyond it….
Besiegement in Drew Barrymore’s Birth Chart
Beseigement is a Medieval aspect concept that occurs when a planet is separating from an aspect to one malefic and applying to an aspect with another malefic with no intermediary aspect. Drew Barrymore’s Moon in Cancer is besieged by two malefics. It is separating from a conjunction to Saturn retrograde in Cancer and applying to…
Your Astrologer Appreciates Your Feedback (At Least, This One Does)
I just completed a satisfying reading with a return client. It was satisfying because I felt it was helpful to the client, and also because of the openness of the client at the end of their reading. Although I have a client form where clients can share what’s on their mind and what they…
June 2019 Astrology Podcast
http://traffic.libsyn.com/ichrak/June_Astrology_Podcast.m4a Click to download Mentioned during the podcast: Karunamayi.org Click here to order a June 2019 Personal Astrology Reading mentioned in the podcast. Sliding Scale $60-$75, 30ish minute reading, 3 available. After submitting payment, send me an e-mail at ichrak (at) gmail (dot) com with subject line “June 2019 Astrology Reading”. Click here to…
Interpreting the Aspects in Astrology Pt. 1 – The Opposition
The Madonna and Child with the Infant St. John the Baptist – Leonardo da Vinci. Photo by LeonardoMadonna.com CC 4.0 What Are Aspects Aspect is a word that etymologically means to look at or to regard. In the Hellenistic astrological tradition the planets’ manifestations and significations were considered in light of whether or not they…
Two Full Moons in Libra in 2019
The cosmic gods are shunning subtlety in favor of more obvious methods these days. A lot of attention is being called to the Libra areas of our charts. The upcoming Full Moon, happening on April 19 at 7:12 AM ET at 29 degrees of Libra. It is the second one in a row that occurs…
April 2019 Astrology Podcast — Strategically Exalted
Dear all, Please enjoy the April Astrology podcast. For this podcast I focused on four main themes for the month: The super activation of the South Node of the Moon The second Full Moon in Libra in a couple of months, and what that means for you. The exalted Aries Sun facing off with planetary…
Checking in with Jupiter in Sagittarius’ Synodic Cycle
This post was originally sent as a newsletter to subscribers, so you’ll see links to my Lunar Journaling E-Course. You can check that out here. Keeping a lunar journal is about more than just tracking the Moon. It is a gateway to a bigger world of astrological understanding. Keeping a lunar journal will show…
Venus’ Capricorn Haunt
This post was originally published to Instagram on February 18 and 26, 2018. ♄♀♇ Dear all, Venus has entered the space between Saturn and Pluto. From Saturn to Pluto Venus goes. Here are some themes that may emerge and fall away as Venus makes this passage. Remember that Saturn and Pluto…