Solar Eclipse Keywords for the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus April 30, 2022 and Venus conjunct Jupiter in Pisces

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The Moon is dark in Aries and Taurus until it appears as a sliver int he sky again – maybe Monday or Tuesday. It’s a time of rest, dreaming, visioning, quiet beginnings, and release. If you’re up before sunrise, see if you can watch Venus and Jupiter rise before the sun. They look magnificent now as glittering morning stars.

As you hold your gaze on this shining pair, you can ask them for a blessing if you want.These planets are known as gentle natured benefics, and are both revered as wise teachers. And they are aspects of us.

Jupiter personifies all within us that is wise, that knows right from wrong, that has discretion, that exercises good judgement, and has a strong intellect.

Venus personifies the spirit of enjoyment joy, comforts, luxuries, peace, creativity, and both material and spiritual enjoyment. Venus people are entertainers, peacemakers, and grounded, practical teachers.

This eclipse has both lights fueled by the two benefic planets. It’s hard to resist casting a positive glow on something that is normally considered ominous at worst and slightly uncomfortable for a short while at best!

So while we will be in eclipse season for another month, note the themes above and allow cool heads to prevail — it is the Taurean/Jupiterian/Venusian way to go. Wait it out before making any quick decisions, especially in the heat of the moment. Be open to wonder, mystery, magic, surprise, miracles. And do more spiritual practice (my constant refrain to myself these days!).

The window of the eclipse is the perfect time for any spiritual practice you do. Whether that’s meditation, singing, chanting, mantra repetition, writing, or whatever elevates your aura/being/consciousness. That effort is amplified during the eclipse window.

That window is between 11:45 PT – 3:37 PT on April 30th.

Sending waves of delight, calm, and Taurean composure to begin & sustain this eclipse season!


Book a reading with Ichrak here.

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California based astrologer in practice since 2014. Blending traditional astrology with Yogic/Vedic philosophy, and wisdom teachings, art, poetry, literature and spirituality.

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