Laume came from transcendental waters, and her spirit lives in all waters, even in baths and showers, in rivers, streams, oceans, the rain, and in toilets. She is the guardian of all children, the not yet born, the newly born, the orphaned, the forgotten, even the dead children. If there is a child coming into…
Full Moon in Taurus 2015
Sign up for the Newsletter — Book a Reading The Moon bursts into fullness in Taurus at 8:05 AM EDT October 27, 2015, at 3 degrees 45 minutes across Taurus-Scorpio, then begins its journey to waning. Taurus is a simple sign. Delicious food, soft fabric, good sex, money in the bank, more coming, minimal drama….
Sun in Scorpio — A Potent Unfurling
Sign up for the Newsletter — Book a Reading Greetings and welcome to the Sun in Scorpio, which entered the sign today at 1:47 PM Eastern time. The Sun’s entrance into Scorpio marks a month long season of existing in the world through the feeling body first. This is a particularly compelling Scorpio ingress, because…
Mars opposite Chiron
Sign up for the Newsletter — Book a Reading Mars in Virgo is applying to Chiron retrograde in Pisces by opposition. This will be exact early Friday morning Eastern time, at 17 degrees Virgo-Pisces. The Virgo Pisces axis is an axis of healing. Earth sign Virgo is often associated with healing the flesh while water…
Venus opposite Neptune
Sign up for the Newsletter — Book a Reading Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces today, exact in a few hours and within orb for the weekend. This is a sweet and romantic aspect with a lot of complexity behind it. Since we’re coming out of an extended phase of relationship recalibration, this aspect…
Mars conjunct Jupiter trine Pluto
Sign up for the Newsletter — Book a Reading Mars and Jupiter will meet at an exact conjunction on October 17 at 6:40 PM EDT. Mars joins Jupiter in the second decan of Virgo, at 14 degrees 11 minutes. Both bodies apply a trine to Pluto before Mars meets and surpasses Jupiter. Mars Jupiter aspects…
New Moon in Libra Part II
This second post on last night’s new moon is adapted from a newsletter I sent on the new moon last night. If you would like to receive the weekly newsletter, sign up here. There was a new Moon in Libra around 8 PM EDT yesterday, October 12. This is a zinger of a new Moon….
New Moon in Libra 2015
This is a very obscure question, I said, and we shall need keen sight to see our way. Now, as we are not remarkably clever, I will make a suggestion as to how we should proceed. Imagine a rather short-sighted person told to read an inscription in small letters from some way off. He would…
Venus in Virgo and Mercury Direct
Venus is now in Virgo. In traditional astrology this is the sign where she is considered in her fall. This is often taken to mean that Venus doesn’t express Venusian traits as strongly in Virgo as she does in her opposite sign of Pisces, or in Taurus or Libra, where love is openhearted and given…
Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, and the Mind’s Places
Whenever the intensity of looking reaches a certain degree, one becomes aware of an equally intense energy coming towards one through the appearance of whatever it is one is scrutinizing. ~John Berger As Mars approaches a conjunction with Jupiter and an opposition with Neptune, Jupiter trines Pluto. There is a sense of being inwardly, if…