**This is from a note that recently went out to subscribers. If you would like to receive notes like this when I send them out via e-mail, sign up here. Mercury has gone direct as of 4:49 PM Eastern time, today, January 25th. How is this for Cosmic Timing: Mercury goes direct during a day long…
New Moon in Capricorn 2016: A Breastplate Forged in a Smithshop
The moment of this New Moon comes as a still point. Though Capricorn is a sign characterized by restraint, the hours in the leadup to the moment of the New Moon were tousled in a big push of energy. The Moon first joined underworld lord Pluto, then squared Uranus for a bit of…
6 Simple Ways to Navigate Today’s Venus Saturn Conjunction
1. Don’t make yourself wrong You did the best you knew how at the time. 2. Invoke positivity Positivity works better than negativity in every situation. 3. Do not dwell on the past beyond its helpfulness. Look back only for the lesson, integrate it, and move on. It’s a new year, a new day, a…
Venus in Sagittarius 2016
In Sagittarius, Venus has the garb of a gypsy woman with a big view of the world. Venus in Sagittarius easily attracts not only abundance, but experiences — the life blood of Sagittarius that gives that sign a bird’s eye and philosophical view it is known for. Thus Venus in Sagittarius has an…
Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn January 2016: Deep into the Core of the Earth
Mercury stations retrograde at 1 degrees Aquarius on January 5 at 8:06 AM Eastern time and will remain retrograde through January 25th. This first Mercury retrograde of the year takes us deep into the depths of the underworld of our own minds. We will see what is inside us reflected in our immediate environments over…
Full Moon in Cancer 2015 : The Women’s Work of Weaving
What special affinities appeared to him to exist between the moon and woman? Her antiquity in preceding and surviving successive tellurian generations: her nocturnal predominance: her satellitic dependence: her luminary reflection: her constancy under all her phases, rising, and setting by her appointed times, waxing and waning: the forced invariability of her aspect: her indeterminate…
Capricorn Solstice 2015
The Capricorn Solstice takes place Dec. 21 2015, at 11:48 PM EST. In the Northern Hemisphere the Solstice is the longest night of the year and marks the beginning of Winter. In either hemisphere of the world, as the solstice takes place there is a change of season. As the Sun passes through Sagittarius, the…
Sun in Sagittarius square Nodal Axis
The Sun in Sagittarius applies a square to the nodal axis this week, exact on December 18. This week we receive our first illuminated glimpse of the message of the Virgo North Node and Pisces South Node, which are transiting those signs through April 2017. Wondrously, yet as so often happens in astrology, at the…
New Moon in Sagittarius 2015
New Moon in Sagittarius December 11 2015, 5:29 am EST. There is one thing I find very hopeful about the new moon time every month. Every month I see many people across the astrologically inclined internet using the time of the new moon to set intentions for the upcoming month. Nevermind that many times…
Mercury in Capricorn — Real Talk
Mercury entered Capricorn December 9th 2015 and will remain in the sign through January 1, 2016. Mercury will remain in Capricorn for just about 3 weeks — flying through the sign before stationing retrograde on January first. When the planets move fast, so do the earthly affairs with which they are associated. In the case…