The moment of this New Moon comes as a still point. Though Capricorn is a sign characterized by restraint, the hours in the leadup to the moment of the New Moon were tousled in a big push of energy. The Moon first joined underworld lord Pluto, then squared Uranus for a bit of chaos and a bit of a time-warp. Uranus brings an acceleration of energy and time, and brings mobs of people with it, as well as an urge for hasty movement (Uranus speeds up the bodily systems). Now Capricorn is ruled by the time-master Saturn, which is associated with slowing down time and taking its sweet time to allow for development. Put these two together we might have had a day where we were organizing on the fly, making fast decisions, communicating with many people, pulling off superhuman feats moving physical world around. This all may have been happening on an internal level.
Another key aspect in this lunation is Venus separating from a still-close conjunction to Saturn. Saturn does have the quality of cutting, and this aspect can bring with it a separation in a relationship. If this is the case for you know that Saturn favors maturity, honesty, and real change. The kind of change that is energetically true. No faking it to yourself and definitely not to others. If this is something you each want, take the rest of this Mercury Retrograde to do some soul searching and see what changes in you. Even though the pain of separation is bitter, this tenderness and sensitivity is when you’re most open to what is best course for you to take.
On the other hand, Venus-Saturn demonstrates the true substance of Venus matters, and so makes the strength of a foundation apparent. If there are no holes, foundation has been appropriately, examined and triple checked according to established standards, this would have been a smooth time or a time of solidification of an existing relationship.
A Capricorn New Moon has to do with material considerations. In light of this Moon, the Venus-Saturn conjunction also raises awareness of responsibility with money. This is about being money savvy, setting money goals, tracking spending and tracking earning, and getting your feelings out of the way. Money is one of those topics that has a lot of shame around it. That makes it easy to resist developing a healthy relationship with it, or even getting to know it for what it is. This theme might have showed up for you in the past few days. A suggestion about how to use this aspect is to mastermind it out and get someone like an accountant or financial advisor or simply a friend of like mind to help you externalize and understand your relationship to money.
If you do that, know that Saturn has a way of freeze-framing certain
painful experiences from the past into our emotional bodies. When you start to melt away one layer of experience to develop a more aware way of relating to it, memories from the past can unexpectedly show up. This can be overwhelming. The idea is to go slow, but not back down from breaking through to another layer/level.

Venus conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius also implores an exploration of the question of what creative endeavor you are so fiercely passionate about that you are willing to put in the sweat to forge it into physical form. Many great artists have a natal Venus Saturn exchange.
The Venus-Saturn aspect is now separating, so what it would have brought has already passed. Since Mercury is Retrograde through the 25th this is prime re-thinking about energetic priorities that affect your trajectory in life.
Concrete material opportunities crop up with this kind of Mercury Retrograde. They have to do with an ambition you have or once had. They have to do with what you see as your purpose and highest visin for yourself in life. These opportunities raise questions about your direction in the short to medium term, and are a good opportunity to set a foundation for the longer term goals you have for yourself. These come from seeds you have sown in the past, and interact with responsibilities you have in your present.
When Mercury stations on January 25th, it will be with a conjunction to Pluto, making this a potent time of reorientation and forward movement to all that will arise between now and then. Decisions might need to be made now though, and with both Jupiter and Mercury going backward, it’s a good idea to consider the deeper spiritual or philosophical implications of what you choose to do.
Remember that Jupiter in Virgo values putting in the work to learn what you need to know, knowing the rules and becoming certified by a higher authority, and demonstrating competency in work produced.

With all this Saturn about, here is a note on Saturn in Sagittarius. This Saturn, particularly in an ongoing 2016 storyline with Neptune, favors having a big dream, and going for it in a way that is smart and measured. It favors being intentional about your dream and using all the magic you have at your disposal to conjure it into reality. The mutable square makes this a year of transition. It is a time of grounding out a vision of your highest possibilities. We all have a responsibility to raise the bar on what is possible for ourselves. Doing this demonstrates to others what is possible for them. Saturn in Sagittarius knows that at this point there are more than enough goods, smarts, and inventiveness to go around in this globe. It’s a matter of collectively organizing resources cohesively.
The Moon is new at 8:30 pm EST at 19 degrees Capricorn, January 9, 2016.
Happy First New Moon of 2016,
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