The path up and the path down are one in the same. ~Heraclitus The Moon is Full in Virgo on February 22, 2016 at 1:19 PM EST at 3 degrees Pisces-Virgo. At this time there is a clear revelation. Previously obscured information is now visible and ready to be actualized into form to with full…
Venus in Sagittarius 2016
In Sagittarius, Venus has the garb of a gypsy woman with a big view of the world. Venus in Sagittarius easily attracts not only abundance, but experiences — the life blood of Sagittarius that gives that sign a bird’s eye and philosophical view it is known for. Thus Venus in Sagittarius has an…
Sun in Sagittarius square Nodal Axis
The Sun in Sagittarius applies a square to the nodal axis this week, exact on December 18. This week we receive our first illuminated glimpse of the message of the Virgo North Node and Pisces South Node, which are transiting those signs through April 2017. Wondrously, yet as so often happens in astrology, at the…
New Moon in Sagittarius 2015
New Moon in Sagittarius December 11 2015, 5:29 am EST. There is one thing I find very hopeful about the new moon time every month. Every month I see many people across the astrologically inclined internet using the time of the new moon to set intentions for the upcoming month. Nevermind that many times…
Annual Sun-Saturn Conjunction
Get the Weekly Newsletter — Book a Reading — Support This Site Each year the Sun approaches Saturn for their annual conjunction. Since 2012, this meeting between the sun and Saturn has happened in Scorpio. Since Saturn has entered Sagittarius, this is the first year these two bodies meet in the Sagittarius section of the…
Full Moon in Sagittarius June 2nd, 2015 – Heavy on the Saturn, Shaken, Stirred, and Everything In-Between
Tension is the great integrity. ~ Buckminster Fuller. His chart is a great mirror of the current astrology. I’ll be offering an interpretation of it on Friday. The Full Moon at 11 degrees Sagittarius takes place on June 1, 2015 at 12:18 PM EDT. Consider it a big ball of deep knowledge swinging just above…
The Mutable Cross: Considering The Maker and The Made
Follow the lead of your symptoms, for there’s usually a myth in the mess, and a mess is an expression of soul. James Hillman
The care and keeping of the soul in a world that needs it bared
Today in Moon in Pisces square Saturn in Sagittarius goings on: Marina Abramović on the complex relationship between the artist’s wellspring of creativity (Moon conjunct Neptune), public demand (Saturn in Sagittarius — broadcasting, the public), and the necessity and structure of self care (Moon and Saturn themes)— “Abramovic herself is as eager as ever, however,…
Creative Purposeful Disruption, A Uranus-Pluto Story
Rewriting our personal scripts builds up the spiritual muscle tone we need to participate in rewriting the culture’s collective script. Caroline Casey Uranus squares Pluto exactly today. This will not have flown under the radar of anybody who knows anything about astrology. Looking around the world it is easy to feel overwhelmed when we consider…
Song for a Mass Exodus From Scorpio
Exodus Movement of the Planets Enjoy mutability after so much of heavy fixedness, let us ride. Happy New Moon in Sagittarius.