April features some of the most significant astrology of the year. There is a lot of pretty significant astrology this year, – the Mars retrograde in the second half, Jupiter changing signs in the middle of the year (like he just can’t wait to get into Aries), the eclipses in fixed signs that activate the…
The Mars Opposite Saturn Pressure Cooker
The planets are known as “grabbers” in Vedic astrology, because they grab you and it’s almost like the play a tape in your being/aura/astral body that can pull you into acting on behalf of one or both of the planets and embodying their narrative. The Mars Saturn opposition becoming exact this week is one to…
The Greatness of Gayatri Mantra
Prayer to Invoke Gayatri Devi: Mukta Vidruma Hema Neela Dhavala Chayarmukair Srikshaler Yuktam Indunibadna Ratna Matukam Tatwartham Varnatmikam
February 2021 Astrology Forecast
Words from Fra Angelico: Life is so generous a giver, but we, judging its gifts by their coverings, cast them away as ugly or heavy or hard. Remove the covering, and you will find beneath it a living splendor, woven of love, and wisdom, and power. Welcome it, greet it, and you touch the angel’s…
The Astrology of January 2021
January 2021 Astrology Forecast January 2021 is a very active month. There is an ongoing tension between the established order and an urgency to advance beyond it. There is a temptation to act hastily to accomplish a change, or to act hastily in moving toward freedom or growth. However, the planets are decidedly telling a…
Four Facts About the Jupiter Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius
* Jupiter and Saturn Conjoin in 20 year intervals Jupiter and Saturn come together in a conjunction every twenty years. For two hundred years, these conjunctions typically happen in the same element (But there is some variance. For example the conjunctions can happen continuously in a fire sign for 75 years, but there will be…
How to Track Eclipse Effects in Your Life – A Workshop and Class
How to Track Eclipse Effects in Your Life An Online Workshop for Learning to Track the Eclipse Effects in Your Life and Understanding Your Personal Narrative of Past Eclipses Learn a method for tracking eclipse cycles so you can weave together the larger narrative of significant life events. Discover how to move through eclipse seasons…
Lilly’s Lost Fish
This post was originally published to Instagram on February 12, 2019. Touching on Lilly’s Lost Fish this morning for a horary refresher. Horary is the art of using a chart cast for the moment a question is asked to divine information. Here Lilly cast a chart for the moment he heard that his…
February 2019 Astrology Podcast
Hello again! I wanted to chat with you, so I made a podcast for you. It’s about the astrology of February 2019. I hope you enjoy it! http://traffic.libsyn.com/ichrak/February_Astro_Ichrak_Atlas.mp3 Download Warmly, Ichrak Image is edited by me, CC 3.0, from University of Heidelberg Guide to the Astrology of 2019 Now Available! Click image below for…
Navigating Mars Retrograde From the Heart
This post originally appeared on my instagram feed on June 19, 2018. Mars in Aquarius opposite Venus in Leo is a very prickly aspect that is most active through Friday, June 22. Right now, Mars is rogue as it gets set to station. I urge you all to avoid initiating conflict or giving in…