A student asked, “Can Essential Nature be destroyed?” Coyote said, “Yes, it can.” The student asked, “How can Essential Nature be destroyed?” Coyote said, “With an eraser.” —Robert Aitken Full Moon in Gemini, December 13 2016, 7:05 PM EST, 22 degrees Gemini 26 seconds. Gemini is a double bodied sign, and the themes of duality…
New Moon in Sagittarius 2016 – Of Centaurs and Descrying Horizons
New Moon in Sagittarius, 7 degrees 43 minutes. November 29, 2016, 7:18 AM EST. The New Moon in Sagittarius takes place in one of the brightest and most optimistic signs of the zodiac, near the heaviest and most serious sign of the traditional seven. As the Sun and Moon merged, the Sun was moving toward…
Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces – The Hunt for a Vision of Bliss
Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, 24 degrees 20 minutes, September 16, 2016 3:05 pm EDT. With this Full Moon we are on the home stretch of what has been an intense two weeks for many. This Full Moon is the second eclipse in September, and its impact will reverberate for months to…
Drying off under a Cazimi Mercury Retrograde in Virgo
Today Mercury is in an interior conjunction with the Sun. Mercury is cazimi, a special condition where Mercury is described as having strength by virtue of being in the heart of the Sun. This is the middle of Mercury Retrograde, a halfway point that occurs in each cycle of this planet’s retrogrades. This particular midpoint is…
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo 2016 – Fleetness of Mind
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo- 9:04 AM EDT August 30, 29 Virgo 05 – 1:30 AM Eastern September 22, 14 Virgo 49 Every astrological event happens within the context of other movements in the sky. An event like Mercury retrograde which happens about three times per year is best understood as a part of the broader…
Mars square the Nodal Axis – Threading Ego on a Golden Spool
As soon as the heart moves toward something, there is no distance. ~Geoffrey Cornelius Mars in Sagittarius squares Virgo North Node and Pisces South Node in a conjunction with Neptune retrograde August 29, 2016. The key and hinge of this moment in astrology are the concepts of passion, temper, fieriness, sex, power, courage, and action…
Full Moon in Sagittarius, Summer Solstice, and the Light of the Sun
Get a Personal Astrology Reading – Never Miss a Post, Sign up for the Newsletter Full Moon at 29 degrees 33 minutes Sagittarius. June 20th, 2016 at 7:02 am EDT Sun enters Cancer: June 20th, 2016 at 6:34 pm EDT This year the Full Moon and the Cancer/Summer Solstice arrive within hours of each…
Neptune Retrograde 2016 – An Impartial Washing
An impartial washing containers for a sea that strong are held only by the beyond pretensions of human holding are just that what surrender means is cultivated is experienced if reality is dissolving you can see through it to the core and the essence gradually shaped by the curved pad of your thumb and it…
Meditation and the Cross : Notes on a Super Mutable Sky
The current moment offers potent astrology. There is so much going on. Friday’s New Moon in Gemini kicked off an activation of the March 9th eclipse in Pisces. Note any themes from that time period that are arising again. With Venus and the Moon flanking the Sun at the time of the New Moon,…
New Moon in Gemini 2016 – Within the Chambers of the Heart and Mind
The New Moon in Gemini takes place June 4 , 2016 at 14 degrees 53 minutes Gemini at 11 p.m. EDT. This New Moon is part of a complex planetary pattern, with the simplest and most immediate influence being its nearness to Venus. At the time of the New Moon, Venus is only 29 minutes…