The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo takes place at 0 degrees Leo on January 21, 2019 at 12:16 AM Eastern Time. This north node eclipse occurs four degrees away from the north node in Cancer, and completes an 18 month cycle of eclipses occurring across the Leo-Aquarius axis. Astro Lore The North Node of…
Eclipse Tips for the January 2019 Eclipse Season
Today we will enter eclipse season, with the first New Moon of 2019 tonight at 8:28pm ET occurring at 15 degrees Capricorn. Over the duration of eclipse season, pace of time and speed of events seem to quicken. A greater amount of activity is sandwiched in the time between eclipses, resulting in the feeling that…
Wisdom is a Power of the Soul: Reflections on a New Moon Eclipse conjunct Mercury
“The way of truth is that man’s heart be always wholly with his Creator. When he relies upon his own wisdom in the pursuit of truth and of that which shall be by some means other than God, his heart is wanting, for any form of divination is defective.” ~ Avraham ibn Ezra in commentary…
Podcast – Eclipse Season, Mercury Retrograde, Venus Cardinal T-Square
In this episode I discuss Mercury stationing opposite Neptune on its retrograde journey, The eclipses of August 2017, and Venus making challenging angles to Pluto and Jupiter. I offer descriptions of the spectrum of energetic potentials and suggestions for working with the energy. [Download] In the show I mention: The path of the…
August Eclipse Tips For Those Who Appreciate Sanity
Eclipse Tips For Those Who Appreciate Sanity A list of poignant tips and available energy for you to tap into this eclipse season, so you can live better. 1. Create a plan for personal support when it comes to relating to political developments. These can include a plan to take action, a plan for…
August Eclipse Tips for Lovers, Spouses, and Romantics
A list of poignant tips and available energy for you to tap into this eclipse season, so you can live better. 1. Have Fun! Do together what you find fun and playful. Do what brings out the child in you both. Relieve the built up heat, and any stress or emotional intensity of the season…
August Eclipse Tips for Business-Owners
A list of poignant tips and available energy for you to tap into this eclipse season, so you can live better. 1. Define Identity and Branding This eclipse is a great time to discern, create, reinvent, communicate, and disseminate a brand image. It is also a great time to define the people you are…
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces: A Queer Visionary
New Moon Solar Eclipse at 8 degrees Pisces 12 at 9:58 AM EST February 26, 2017. I was reading this article about the upcoming eclipse and it felt so strange to me to read facts about the eclipse divorced from its impact on humans. Aside of course from the wonder of witnessing a solar eclipse!…
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo: Love, High Fashion, Daring & Politricks
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo 22 degrees 28 minutes February 10, 2017, 7:32 pm EST Lunar eclipses stimulate the emotional body. This month’s lunar eclipse is both magnified in effect, and broadly fiery in quality. While a solar eclipse creates outer events, lunar eclipses cast light on inner states of being, which can then…
September’s End Planetary Overview
Before October enters our world, let’s take several deep clarifying breaths along with several clarifying looks at September, to wrap up this incredibly intense and eventful month and gain some footing as we look ahead at the rest of the year. Mercury direct and moving forward through Virgo: The dust has settled. Take a look around…