Just one month after Saturn entered Sagittarius in 2015 the shooting at the headquarters of the weekly French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo took place in Paris. Two shooters, supposedly murderously inflamed about the magazine’s depictions of the Prophet Muhammad, caused 12 fatalities in an act that reportedly was meant to avenge the Prophet. Immediately, a…
Romping to Know What Romping Means – Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius
During this Mercury Retrograde the opportunity arises to reflect on the ways the mind wavers and falters and how words can fail and inflect various forms of violence. Mercury is romping backwards to understand what romping means. But the same stellar configuration that reflects this harmful potential also provides its remedy. Mercury is moving in…
Full Moon in Sagittarius – Truth Speaks For Itself
Full Moon at 18 Sagittarius 53 – June 9, 2017 9:10 AM ET Jupiter Direct 13 Libra 13 – June 9, 2017 10:02 AM ET Sun opposite Saturn (Saturn retrograde midpoint): June 15, 2017 – 24 degrees Gemini -Sagittarius The Full Moon in Sagittarius represents a turning point. Its journey to fullness over this lunar…
New Moon in Gemini: The Nature of The Trickster
New Moon at 4 degrees 47 minutes Gemini May 25, 2017 3:44 PM ET The New Moon happens within 5 days of the Sun’s entrance into gemini, ushering in nearly a fully month of Gemini’s airy brightness, propelled by the force of the waxing Moon. The fruit of June’s Full Moon in Sagittarius is contained…
Saturn trine Uranus — Future’s Gleaming Threshold
Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries — 26 degrees — December / May / November The energies of Saturn and Uranus can be brilliant energies combined together. Uranus’ futurism, indomitable will, and intuition applies itself into the grit and grime and demand of 3D reality and makes something that truly advances some segment…
Saturn in the Third Decan of Sagittarius
As Saturn has journeyed deeper through the final 10 degrees of Sagittarius, it stimulates the centripetal pull of focused will power and unyielding stare of ‘whatever it takes’. Saturn, the great naysayer, the great denier, is associated with boundaries and thus has the property of dividing or cutting, like Mars. This space in the zodiac…
Moon in Sagittarius square Nodal Axis: Kaleidoscope Tangent
The Moon is in Sagittarius. It is now co-present (and I mean that term differently than the old-timey astrologers sense), with Saturn in the same sign, looming over there somewhere around 20-21 degrees (talking with all KINDS of other bodies in the sky). Before the Moon reaches Saturn though, it dangles in the balance between…
New Moon in Sagittarius 2016 – Of Centaurs and Descrying Horizons
New Moon in Sagittarius, 7 degrees 43 minutes. November 29, 2016, 7:18 AM EST. The New Moon in Sagittarius takes place in one of the brightest and most optimistic signs of the zodiac, near the heaviest and most serious sign of the traditional seven. As the Sun and Moon merged, the Sun was moving toward…
Saturn squaring the Nodal Axis; Pisces Lunar Eclipse – Heavy Accuracy and the Binding Ephemeral
The light of the Moon in Pisces is reflecting the radiance of the Sun in Virgo. Creativity hangs in the balance with precision. Straddling a ravine splitting contradictory worlds produces a duality of experience we are more able to hold in this Piscean moment. But there is the influence of Saturn squaring the…
Mars conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius 2016 – Judiciously Wielding the Sword of Truth
Mars conjunct Saturn at 9 degrees 53 minutes Sagittarius August 24, 2016 at 7:26 am EDT. Mars and Saturn conjoin at 9 degrees 53 minutes Sagittarius on August 24. This astrological event is the culmination of both the Saturn and the Mars retrograde cycles of 2016. This planetary meeting reflects an inner and outer environment…