Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries — 26 degrees — December / May / November
The energies of Saturn and Uranus can be brilliant energies combined together. Uranus’ futurism, indomitable will, and intuition applies itself into the grit and grime and demand of 3D reality and makes something that truly advances some segment of existence.
Meaningful structures are now being blasted by an element of compulsion to transform — structurally or via shifts in approach or perception.
The first of these aspects took place last December. This is when a new ideal was born and sought to be given form in physical reality. Since this is the second in a series of these aspects, we are in the middle phase of a continuous storyline. The best way to work with these kinds of continuous aspects is to note what emerges at each exact touch point and continue to actively and consciously integrate those messages into reality even when the exactness has faded — because it will be back you see.
The possible bewares to look out for with Saturn & Uranus together:
Changing the structure too rapidly or frequently for momentum to root in and take hold
Willfully rebelling against a status quo, the rightful rules, orderly procedures in order to hold on to a rigidly defined ideal
A spontaneous, hasty urge to overturn the status quo via subversion of the rightful rules
Freedom at all costs — even the cost of abolishing something carefully built up over time
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