The New Moon on May 6 is at 16 degrees 41 minutes of Taurus at 3:29 PM EDT. The first earth sign of the zodiac is primal place of embodiment in flesh. This annual New Moon in Taurus comes at a time when harmony between the desire for speed emanating from Mars retrograde and Saturn…
Mercury in Taurus: Sensuous Cerebral Pace is the Trick
Mercury is neutral planet that takes on the qualities of whatever it touches. While Mercury is in Taurus, it will make a set of two trines to both Jupiter and Pluto, because it is preparing for its retrograde cycle. As Mercury creates its harmonious alignments with these planets, the effects will be observed in or…
The Function of Astrological Retrogrades: Pace is the Trick
I’ve been thinking over the past week or so, what is the purpose of all of these planets going retrograde. From an astrological point of view, it’s very easy to observe the phenomenon. Anyone with a telescope/access to the internet/natural deep curiosity about the heavens above can observe it. Planets we can see moving forward…
Mercury in Aries in Cazimi with the Sun
Today Mercury is Cazimi in a superior conjunction with the Sun. The cazimi condition is when any planet is close enough to the Sun as to be within 17’ (minutes, or arc minutes) of the Sun. This is close enough out from under the beams of the Sun – 17 degrees away, and…
Mars in Sagittarius 2016 – Centaur’s Romp
There is nothing wrong with standing back and thinking. To paraphrase several sages: ‘Nobody can think and hit someone at the same time’ ~Susan Sontag, Regarding The Pain of Others Mars is in Sagittarius: March 5 – May 27 Mars stations Retrograde at 8 degrees Sagittarius: April 17 Mars opposite Sun: May 21, 1 degree…
Mars trine Chiron : Willful Creation/Healing of Fractured Visionary Reality
We create from what we can imagine. We are living right now inside the imaginings of people whose mental illness makes them believe they are superior to other human beings. This video is part of the resistance, the new imaginings that we use to pull ourselves towards liberation. ~ Adrienne Maree Brown, Beyonce’s Visionary Fiction:…
Mars in Libra: Counterpointing the Masculine
Sign up for the Newsletter — Book a Reading Mars in Libra brings a refinement to the god of war. Where Mars travels informs self assertion, how we go about getting what we want in life, and what energizes us. Mars in the air sign of Libra is not so self driven as…
Sun in Scorpio — A Potent Unfurling
Sign up for the Newsletter — Book a Reading Greetings and welcome to the Sun in Scorpio, which entered the sign today at 1:47 PM Eastern time. The Sun’s entrance into Scorpio marks a month long season of existing in the world through the feeling body first. This is a particularly compelling Scorpio ingress, because…
Mars conjunct Jupiter trine Pluto
Sign up for the Newsletter — Book a Reading Mars and Jupiter will meet at an exact conjunction on October 17 at 6:40 PM EDT. Mars joins Jupiter in the second decan of Virgo, at 14 degrees 11 minutes. Both bodies apply a trine to Pluto before Mars meets and surpasses Jupiter. Mars Jupiter aspects…
Considering Mars’ Soft-Romp through Taurus 2015
Mars has been in his sign of rulership for the past month or so. Beyond Aries is the softer slower terrain of Taurus, and now our hero Mars enters those pastoral fields on March 31 for a stay until May 11.