Hello beautiful people! It’s May 2021 and another eclipse season is upon us. Notably, this year we only have four eclipses. That’s worth pointing out because some years can have as many as seven eclipses. Eclipse Season Timeline and Feel Eclipse seasons start in the week or two leading up to the first eclipse, and…
Gemini Sagittarius axis
Full Moon in Sagittarius – Truth Speaks For Itself
Full Moon at 18 Sagittarius 53 – June 9, 2017 9:10 AM ET Jupiter Direct 13 Libra 13 – June 9, 2017 10:02 AM ET Sun opposite Saturn (Saturn retrograde midpoint): June 15, 2017 – 24 degrees Gemini -Sagittarius The Full Moon in Sagittarius represents a turning point. Its journey to fullness over this lunar…
New Moon in Gemini: The Nature of The Trickster
New Moon at 4 degrees 47 minutes Gemini May 25, 2017 3:44 PM ET The New Moon happens within 5 days of the Sun’s entrance into gemini, ushering in nearly a fully month of Gemini’s airy brightness, propelled by the force of the waxing Moon. The fruit of June’s Full Moon in Sagittarius is contained…
Full Moon in Gemini 2016 – The Spoken Word & Principled Acts of Healing
A student asked, “Can Essential Nature be destroyed?” Coyote said, “Yes, it can.” The student asked, “How can Essential Nature be destroyed?” Coyote said, “With an eraser.” —Robert Aitken Full Moon in Gemini, December 13 2016, 7:05 PM EST, 22 degrees Gemini 26 seconds. Gemini is a double bodied sign, and the themes of duality…
New Moon in Gemini 2016 – Within the Chambers of the Heart and Mind
The New Moon in Gemini takes place June 4 , 2016 at 14 degrees 53 minutes Gemini at 11 p.m. EDT. This New Moon is part of a complex planetary pattern, with the simplest and most immediate influence being its nearness to Venus. At the time of the New Moon, Venus is only 29 minutes…
Ambiguity Tolerance – Mutable Grand Cross 2016
A healthy amount of ambiguity tolerance is the life giving quality of this astrological moment. In a space where simultaneously and continuously, so much is happening, arising, firming up and taking form, dissolving, changing, and evolving, in many areas of outer life, and in many spaces within oneself, keeping a certain set of qualities…
Beehives and Benedictions – Mutable Grand Cross 2016
You must not know too much or be too precise or scientific about birds and trees and flowers and watercraft; a certain free-margin , or even vagueness – ignorance, credulity – helps your enjoyment of these things. ~Walt Whitman A Mutable Grand Cross now dominates the heavens. The mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces…
Variety of Satisfaction of Venus in Gemini
Tell me everything. ~My multiple Gemini, including Venus in Gemini, friend. Venus enters Gemini on May 24 and remains in the sign of the twins, and of contrast and multiplicity, and cerebral deftness, until June 17. During this time love and pleasure become filtered through the lens of Gemini. In Gemini, Venus’ expressions…
Full Moon in Gemini 2015 — Naming the Invisible
Holy the cafeterias filled with the millions! Holy the mysterious rivers of tears under the streets! Holy the lone juggernaut! Holy the vast lamb of the middle class! Holy the crazy shepherds of rebell- ion! Who digs Los Angeles IS Los Angeles! Holy New York Holy San Francisco Holy Peoria & Seattle Holy Paris Holy…