In all my lives, never separated from perfect gurus, May I enjoy the magnificent teachings. By completing the qualities of the stages and paths, May I quickly attain the state of Vajradhara Buddha. The Foundation of All Good Qualities ~Lama Tsongkhapa. Discussion I discovered this beautiful verse in the movie Unmistaken Child. I watched this…
Full Moon in Aquarius – July 23, 2021
The Full Moon in Aquarius takes place at 1 degree of Aquarius on July 23, 2021 at 7:36pm PT I really like the Vedic view of this Full Moon, acknowledging that it is Guru Purnima, the Full Moon of the Guru, when the radiance of the realized Masters is very readily present on earth, and…
Sun in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn
The Sun in Cancer is building to an opposition with Pluto in Capricorn. It will be exact on Sunday July 17 at 25 degrees Cancer. The way we experience the principles associated with this aspect, transformation, growth, empowerment, otherworldly energy flow, rapid shedding of old identities or behaviors — can have to do in large…
Dark Moon in Cancer
The Full Moons and New Moons get a lot of attention every month, but the dark of the Moon is a subject that is not as frequently discussed. The monthly dark Moon is the retreat before the new beginning, something inherent to all life and life cycles. I want to honor its symbolic and cyclical…
The Mars Opposite Saturn Pressure Cooker
The planets are known as “grabbers” in Vedic astrology, because they grab you and it’s almost like the play a tape in your being/aura/astral body that can pull you into acting on behalf of one or both of the planets and embodying their narrative. The Mars Saturn opposition becoming exact this week is one to…
Summer Solstice – an Amplified Manifestation Window
The Solstice is an amplified manifestation windowToday is the Summer Solstice in in the Northern Hemisphere.It is a powerful opportunity to attune and harness the immensely powerful energy by intentionally amplifying desired experiences and outcomes. A handful of ways to do this: * Spend at least 10-15 intentional minutes in the sun * Safely scent…
Revealing the Obscure: Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius May 26, 2021
Hello beautiful people! It’s May 2021 and another eclipse season is upon us. Notably, this year we only have four eclipses. That’s worth pointing out because some years can have as many as seven eclipses. Eclipse Season Timeline and Feel Eclipse seasons start in the week or two leading up to the first eclipse, and…
Venus Emerging – Venus’ Heliacal Rise in May 2021
“Venus, then, is the temperament of the celestial gods, and the friendship and union, by which their harmony subsists; for as she is proximate to the sun, in conjunction with whom she revolves, she fills the heavens with the best temperament, gives fertility to the earth, and is the source of perpetuity to the generation…
The Greatness of Gayatri Mantra
Prayer to Invoke Gayatri Devi: Mukta Vidruma Hema Neela Dhavala Chayarmukair Srikshaler Yuktam Indunibadna Ratna Matukam Tatwartham Varnatmikam
Karma and the Birth Chart, The Beliefs That Ground my Astrology Practice.
* Scroll to the bottom of this post for a video of me reading this post with some commentary. Your astrological chart is just one facet of “you”. The chart is a map of your karmas in this lifetime. Even though it seems like the information that can be gleaned from the birth chart is…