I would like to offer the following consideration for you, on using spirituality as a coping mechanism. Please add your thoughts in the comments section if the Spirit moves you. Here are my thoughts: Be careful that you don’t get so caught up in reflexively falling back on love of god or spiritual thinking or…
Frida Kahlo, fractured and a whole country, a chart study
Frida, always her own favorite model, was not about preserving youthful beauty so much as identifying herself with Mexico, her beloved homeland. Frida’s “acquired birth year” just so happens to coincide with the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution (1910) and the overthrow of President Porfirio Diaz. If her glaring lie seems jarring and incongruous –…
Living by the Moon: The Disseminating Moon
The Moon, having just been full, is now in what is called the disseminating phase of its cycle. What has just come to pass is the Full Moon — the illumination of information, the culmination of of the actions seeded at new moon, the awareness of self, others, the world and your place in it….
Notes on the Leo-Aquarius Axis
The Moon enters Leo today and applies an opposition to the Venus Mercury conjunction in Aquarius, a good time to consider Leo-Aquarius axis, or 5th-11th house opposition. Leo is the fearless and shining leader. Leo is warm, courageous, supportive, heartening, artistic, proud, to name some positive (not a value statement) expressions. Spend some length of time around…
The Meaning of a Reward
This is a discussion on accepting rewards for something we might not whole heartedly support. Here I’m thinking of rewards as 8th house content, as an energetic exchange. This blog was inspired by Sabrina over at Monarch Astrology when she said: The change has to come from within right? As long as a system allows or rewards the…
The Time Between Transits
All transits from Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto normally make between 3 and 5 exact aspects to natal planets or points. We feel the most heightened potency of the aspect when it is within a degree or two of being exact. In practice, I have found that in the moments of an aspect’s exactitude,…
Write your story in the sand, be born anew with each coming wave
Dear friends and readers, Happy new year to you! On this new year’s eve here in EST, I wish for all your dreams to take flight, all your hopes to become ever burning embers of trust, and all your inner spaces to find warm support within or outside of you! At this cusp of a…
On Inspiration – Notes under a waxing Saturn Neptune square
Why do so many famous and poignant creators, who have touched our hearts, carry a notebook with them everywhere they go? Beatrix Potter, Mark Twain, Thomas Jefferson, Da Vinci. Others. We all know of or have heard of them. Moleskine continues to market an entire line of notebooks on this premise. Notebook connoisseurs, feel free…
Early degree Mutable signs getting b%tc# slapped into form
Dear those with planets at early degrees of mutable signs, Specifically, 0-4 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Neptune transited your mutable planets at those degrees from 2012 to 2014. It was a highly spiritualizing, diffuse, vast influence. It opened you up to other realms of perception and ways of being in the world….
Have a neighbor? Yes you do.
It is of the highest importance that we all start actively being really kind to each other, because everything chaotic that is out there and far away can be at any of our doorsteps in an instant. At this pivotal moment in history, we are the deciders, and we ought to use our capacity to…