A healthy amount of ambiguity tolerance is the life giving quality of this astrological moment. In a space where simultaneously and continuously, so much is happening, arising, firming up and taking form, dissolving, changing, and evolving, in many areas of outer life, and in many spaces within oneself, keeping a certain set of qualities…
Mars Retrogrades back into Scorpio – Death of Philosophy
Mars coming back to Scorpio can represent the piercing gaze of dominance and the calm that comes through the undeniable inner confidence in the possession of strength. This is an outward form of strength and dominance that can come from an inner weakness. Yet this can also be the outer form of more deeply embedded…
Mentorship, Empires, and Jupiter square Saturn
Success is just living with balance, and savoring the most of what is effectively limited time on this planet before we all get snuffed out. ~Guy Spier in conversation with Adrienne Dorison. Guy Spier, in cooperation with two friends, bid $650,000 in a fundraiser to have lunch with Warren Buffett. An event that proved life…
Full Moon in Sagittarius 2016 : Immolation, Purification, Ferocity, Desire
“Most people guard and keep; they suppose that it is they themselves and what they identify with themselves that they are guarding and keeping, whereas what they are actually guarding and keeping is their system of reality and what they assume themselves to be. One can give nothing whatever without giving oneself—that is to…
New Moon in Taurus 2016: Rhythms of the Earth
The New Moon on May 6 is at 16 degrees 41 minutes of Taurus at 3:29 PM EDT. The first earth sign of the zodiac is primal place of embodiment in flesh. This annual New Moon in Taurus comes at a time when harmony between the desire for speed emanating from Mars retrograde and Saturn…
Saturn Retrograde 2016
Sign up for the Atlas Astrology Newsletter When Saturn stops, this planet that represents the limit and the threshold indicates that we have gone as far as we can go in terms of building and forward progress. Now it is time for a deep review before anymore new progress can be made. When Saturn stops…
Mars in Sagittarius 2016 – Centaur’s Romp
There is nothing wrong with standing back and thinking. To paraphrase several sages: ‘Nobody can think and hit someone at the same time’ ~Susan Sontag, Regarding The Pain of Others Mars is in Sagittarius: March 5 – May 27 Mars stations Retrograde at 8 degrees Sagittarius: April 17 Mars opposite Sun: May 21, 1 degree…
Mars Retrograde 2016
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. ~Winston Churchill Mars takes about two years to travel around the zodiacal band while Earth takes one year to travel the same distance around the Sun. When Earth is directly beside Mars in orbit,…
Venus in Sagittarius 2016
In Sagittarius, Venus has the garb of a gypsy woman with a big view of the world. Venus in Sagittarius easily attracts not only abundance, but experiences — the life blood of Sagittarius that gives that sign a bird’s eye and philosophical view it is known for. Thus Venus in Sagittarius has an…
Sun in Sagittarius square Nodal Axis
The Sun in Sagittarius applies a square to the nodal axis this week, exact on December 18. This week we receive our first illuminated glimpse of the message of the Virgo North Node and Pisces South Node, which are transiting those signs through April 2017. Wondrously, yet as so often happens in astrology, at the…