Mercury trine Chiron gives Chiron voice and easy access to its messages. Listen today for a message about healing and remedy. This will come through the emotional body, or through emotional realizations. These are useful messages in that they offer a check in. With that information, you can more easily draw a map of the emotional…
Guidelines for Getting Through a Major Saturn Transit
The Moon is joining Saturn within the next few hours so lets think about some things to keep in mind if you are having a Saturn transit. This should be especially useful for the mutable signs right now – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, and also anyone having their Saturn Return. By the way, new thing,…
New Moon in Scorpio 2016 – What the Water Gave Us
But you have no idea how dark we yet may be, nor what that darkness may contain. ~Teju Cole, A True Picture of Black Skin New Moon in Scorpio October 30th, 2016 1:38 pm EDT 7 degrees Scorpio 44 minutes. Transformation. Intensity. Rebirth. Doing this sign justice means honoring that it is about the acknowledgement…
November Horoscopes
November There are months that are about chatter and engagement, months about diligence and purity, months about social exchange and the intricacies of a society conducted justly, and then there are the months that grab you by the gut and ask you to say without words what you’re really about. That’s part of the reason…
Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: H.A.M.
The annual Libra season is typically a time for gallery openings and banter between acquaintances and other, sundry social events. This year these come with an addition of a primal beat thrumming forcefully in the background of cocktail, or matcha, — depending on your people — sips, and that is Mars conjunct Pluto at 15…
Full Moon in Aries conjunct Uranus – An Advanced Woman Makes an Offering
Full Moon in Aries. October 16 2016, 12:23 AM EDT. 23 Aries 14. The Full Moon in Aries arrived with a pervasive buzz. The kind of buzz that earthquakes would feel like if they happened sonically and traveled through the air. It is Uranus’ presence that was so near to this Full Moon that served this up. Uranus’ mode…
Talk it out, beautifully. Moon in Aquarius trine Sun in Libra
The Moon in Aquarius applies a trine to the Sun in Libra exact at 18 degrees Libra. The trine between the Moon and the Sun is robust and life giving. From the vantage point of earth, these are the two biggest visible objects in the sky. Their correlative psychological weight is just as…
Exploring Reception in the current Mercury in Libra square Mars in Capricorn planetary alignment
Exploring Reception and Non-Reception in the current Mercury in Libra square Mars in Capricorn alignment. After Mercury moves on beyond its conjunction to Jupiter it will be applying a square to Mars in Capricorn. This perfects at 11 degrees of both Libra and Capricorn in the evening of October 13th Eastern time. There is an…
Mercury, Jupiter and Mars – A Dignified Warrior and her Swordfish
While Mercury is in Libra, the mind is clear and objective. This mind is capable of assessments that are free from the biases of desire or preference, allowing for appraisals that consider all the multiple facets of a situation, without exclusion. The decisions that are a consequence of this method of thinking are fully informed. The…
October Horoscopes
Jan van Eyck October 2016 This month, we are at a genuine turning point. A qualitatively different energy from much of the year is now present and available. This month embodies a moment of beginnings that makes clear how better off we are when we choose to go it together. The month opens up with…