Mars in Pisces is approaching an exact square to Saturn in Sagittarius. Chiron is also involved. This Mars square Saturn will not be exact until January 19th. However, Mars is a fast planet in the sense that its approach and effect can be felt way ahead of its exact configuration. From the annals of history,…
New Moon in Sagittarius 2016 – Of Centaurs and Descrying Horizons
New Moon in Sagittarius, 7 degrees 43 minutes. November 29, 2016, 7:18 AM EST. The New Moon in Sagittarius takes place in one of the brightest and most optimistic signs of the zodiac, near the heaviest and most serious sign of the traditional seven. As the Sun and Moon merged, the Sun was moving toward…
Guidelines for Getting Through a Major Saturn Transit
The Moon is joining Saturn within the next few hours so lets think about some things to keep in mind if you are having a Saturn transit. This should be especially useful for the mutable signs right now – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, and also anyone having their Saturn Return. By the way, new thing,…
Mars conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius 2016 – Judiciously Wielding the Sword of Truth
Mars conjunct Saturn at 9 degrees 53 minutes Sagittarius August 24, 2016 at 7:26 am EDT. Mars and Saturn conjoin at 9 degrees 53 minutes Sagittarius on August 24. This astrological event is the culmination of both the Saturn and the Mars retrograde cycles of 2016. This planetary meeting reflects an inner and outer environment…
New Moon in Leo 2016 – The Vision and Tempered Theatre
New Moon 10 degrees 58 minutes Leo: August 2, 2016, 4:44 PM EDT This New Moon evokes a question. This week, the beginnings of an answer are apparent. The full answer arrives over the coming week with Saturn’s direct station, and more so in the months to follow as Mars meets Saturn and the latter…
New Moon in Gemini 2016 – Within the Chambers of the Heart and Mind
The New Moon in Gemini takes place June 4 , 2016 at 14 degrees 53 minutes Gemini at 11 p.m. EDT. This New Moon is part of a complex planetary pattern, with the simplest and most immediate influence being its nearness to Venus. At the time of the New Moon, Venus is only 29 minutes…
Jupiter stations Direct in Virgo: The Self-Evidence of Truth
Spiritual truth transcends mere words. Whatever is put into words immediately becomes profane, a commodity capable of manipulation and distortion. Truth is not the evident form, but the hidden fire. We cannot find truth in outer forms any more than we can see fire in wood that has not been enkindled. ~David Frawley, Pandit Vamadeva…
The Function of Astrological Retrogrades: Pace is the Trick
I’ve been thinking over the past week or so, what is the purpose of all of these planets going retrograde. From an astrological point of view, it’s very easy to observe the phenomenon. Anyone with a telescope/access to the internet/natural deep curiosity about the heavens above can observe it. Planets we can see moving forward…
New Moon in Aries 2016
If you wanna be startin’ something, you gotta be startin’ something. ~Michael Jackson New Moon in Aries April 7 2016 7:24 AM EDT Greetings of the New Moon in Aries! Today’s New Moon is the first New Moon after the astrological New Year – the Equinox on March 20, 2016 – and it is…
Saturn Retrograde 2016
Sign up for the Atlas Astrology Newsletter When Saturn stops, this planet that represents the limit and the threshold indicates that we have gone as far as we can go in terms of building and forward progress. Now it is time for a deep review before anymore new progress can be made. When Saturn stops…