The current moment offers potent astrology. There is so much going on. Friday’s New Moon in Gemini kicked off an activation of the March 9th eclipse in Pisces. Note any themes from that time period that are arising again. With Venus and the Moon flanking the Sun at the time of the New Moon,…
Mutable T Square
Ambiguity Tolerance – Mutable Grand Cross 2016
A healthy amount of ambiguity tolerance is the life giving quality of this astrological moment. In a space where simultaneously and continuously, so much is happening, arising, firming up and taking form, dissolving, changing, and evolving, in many areas of outer life, and in many spaces within oneself, keeping a certain set of qualities…
Mentorship, Empires, and Jupiter square Saturn
Success is just living with balance, and savoring the most of what is effectively limited time on this planet before we all get snuffed out. ~Guy Spier in conversation with Adrienne Dorison. Guy Spier, in cooperation with two friends, bid $650,000 in a fundraiser to have lunch with Warren Buffett. An event that proved life…
Sound in Atmos — Horoscope for August 8, 2015
Greetings everyone! Today we have the Moon in Gemini sailing through the heavens essentially unfettered for the next 21 hours or so, meaning that the Moon makes no aspects until its sextile to the Sun in Leo around 7 AM Eastern time tomorrow. (Edit: Actually the Moon is applying a square to Neptune, apparently rendering…
Notes on a mutable t-square, t-square, t-square
For the rest of the day, the Moon is void in Leo. A good way to inhabit this space of time would be to reflect on the recent Full Moon events, and to adjust and compose ourselves in light of them. Then, in the next 24 hours, the Moon will square Saturn and make a…