Paesaggio Notturno, 1908 by Teodoro Wolf Ferrari (Italian, 1878–1945) Hi friends. I just wanted to pop on here and share about the Sun-Saturn conjunction that has been ongoing for about a week and a half now. This conjunction can be particularly rough. Psychologically, it can predispose us to giving ourselves a hard time or giving…
Remediating Planets in the Birth Chart. Part 2
“The way you get people to testify against themselves is not to have police tactics and oppressive techniques. What you do is to build it in so people learn to distrust everything in themselves that has not been sanctioned, to reject what is most creative in themselves to begin with, so you don’t even need…
Wisdom is a Power of the Soul: Reflections on a New Moon Eclipse conjunct Mercury
“The way of truth is that man’s heart be always wholly with his Creator. When he relies upon his own wisdom in the pursuit of truth and of that which shall be by some means other than God, his heart is wanting, for any form of divination is defective.” ~ Avraham ibn Ezra in commentary…
How to Make the Most of Saturn in Capricorn – Guest Share at Little Red Tarot
I am delighted to share with you all a brief and practical guide to making the most of Saturn in Capricorn. I wrote this for the Little Red Tarot blog, and it recently went live. I hope you find it helpful! In my bio at the bottom of the post I have created a…
Remediating Planets in the Birth Chart Part 1
An astrological analysis and exploration of easing problematic potentials in the birth chart.
Easing Contention & Division Under the Eye of Saturn
As personal planets Mars and Venus in Virgo make a series of squares to Saturn, the potential for fractious contention has been prevalent. Cracks are revealed in any situation that does not have a solid foundation The urge to criticize is more powerfully present. It should be crafted toward being constructive rather than injurious. With…
Meditation and the Cross : Notes on a Super Mutable Sky
The current moment offers potent astrology. There is so much going on. Friday’s New Moon in Gemini kicked off an activation of the March 9th eclipse in Pisces. Note any themes from that time period that are arising again. With Venus and the Moon flanking the Sun at the time of the New Moon,…
New Moon in Gemini 2016 – Within the Chambers of the Heart and Mind
The New Moon in Gemini takes place June 4 , 2016 at 14 degrees 53 minutes Gemini at 11 p.m. EDT. This New Moon is part of a complex planetary pattern, with the simplest and most immediate influence being its nearness to Venus. At the time of the New Moon, Venus is only 29 minutes…
Saturn Retrograde 2016
Sign up for the Atlas Astrology Newsletter When Saturn stops, this planet that represents the limit and the threshold indicates that we have gone as far as we can go in terms of building and forward progress. Now it is time for a deep review before anymore new progress can be made. When Saturn stops…
Mars in Sagittarius 2016 – Centaur’s Romp
There is nothing wrong with standing back and thinking. To paraphrase several sages: ‘Nobody can think and hit someone at the same time’ ~Susan Sontag, Regarding The Pain of Others Mars is in Sagittarius: March 5 – May 27 Mars stations Retrograde at 8 degrees Sagittarius: April 17 Mars opposite Sun: May 21, 1 degree…