Exploring Reception and Non-Reception in the current Mercury in Libra square Mars in Capricorn alignment. After Mercury moves on beyond its conjunction to Jupiter it will be applying a square to Mars in Capricorn. This perfects at 11 degrees of both Libra and Capricorn in the evening of October 13th Eastern time. There is an…
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo 2016 – Fleetness of Mind
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo- 9:04 AM EDT August 30, 29 Virgo 05 – 1:30 AM Eastern September 22, 14 Virgo 49 Every astrological event happens within the context of other movements in the sky. An event like Mercury retrograde which happens about three times per year is best understood as a part of the broader…
Mercury in Taurus: Sensuous Cerebral Pace is the Trick
Mercury is neutral planet that takes on the qualities of whatever it touches. While Mercury is in Taurus, it will make a set of two trines to both Jupiter and Pluto, because it is preparing for its retrograde cycle. As Mercury creates its harmonious alignments with these planets, the effects will be observed in or…
Mercury in Aries in Cazimi with the Sun
Today Mercury is Cazimi in a superior conjunction with the Sun. The cazimi condition is when any planet is close enough to the Sun as to be within 17’ (minutes, or arc minutes) of the Sun. This is close enough out from under the beams of the Sun – 17 degrees away, and…
Mercury Direct and Venus in Capricorn — Rising From the Underworld Changed and With a Plan
**This is from a note that recently went out to subscribers. If you would like to receive notes like this when I send them out via e-mail, sign up here. Mercury has gone direct as of 4:49 PM Eastern time, today, January 25th. How is this for Cosmic Timing: Mercury goes direct during a day long…
Mercury in Capricorn — Real Talk
Mercury entered Capricorn December 9th 2015 and will remain in the sign through January 1, 2016. Mercury will remain in Capricorn for just about 3 weeks — flying through the sign before stationing retrograde on January first. When the planets move fast, so do the earthly affairs with which they are associated. In the case…
Full Moon in Gemini 2015 — Naming the Invisible
Holy the cafeterias filled with the millions! Holy the mysterious rivers of tears under the streets! Holy the lone juggernaut! Holy the vast lamb of the middle class! Holy the crazy shepherds of rebell- ion! Who digs Los Angeles IS Los Angeles! Holy New York Holy San Francisco Holy Peoria & Seattle Holy Paris Holy…
Mercury in Scorpio, Trickster, Magician
Everything seen has been begotten, because at some point it came to be seen. But the invisible always is, and because it always is, it does not need to become visible. ~ Hermes Trismegestus, Corpus Hermeticum Sign up for the Newsletter — Book a Reading Greetings and welcome to Mercury in Scorpio. This is an…