Ah, not to be cut off, not through the slightest partition shut out from the law of the stars. The inner — what is it? if not intensified sky, hurled through with birds and deep with the winds of homecoming – Rainer Maria Rilke 1. Uranus Stations Direct — January 2, 2018 — An Impulse…
Of Old Mars & Fair Venus – Mars Combust in Cancer
This is an excerpt from this week’s weekly astrology newsletter to subscribers. Sign up to receive the newsletter here. * E-mail Astrology Readings are available until July 19. * Book a full Natal Chart Reading. * Tickets to Eclipse webinar with Sabrina Monarch are available now! There are two main highlights of this week’s astrology….
New Moon in Cancer 2017 – Comfort and Vigilance
New Moon in Cancer 2 degrees 47 minutes June 23, 2017 10:31 PM ET The Cancer New Moon is woven in complex configurations that will take the sensitivity and care this sign is known for to properly unravel. This New Moon packs a strong initiatory thrust. This is a lunar cycle of action and initiative…
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces: A Queer Visionary
New Moon Solar Eclipse at 8 degrees Pisces 12 at 9:58 AM EST February 26, 2017. I was reading this article about the upcoming eclipse and it felt so strange to me to read facts about the eclipse divorced from its impact on humans. Aside of course from the wonder of witnessing a solar eclipse!…
On The Malefics
Mars in Pisces is approaching an exact square to Saturn in Sagittarius. Chiron is also involved. This Mars square Saturn will not be exact until January 19th. However, Mars is a fast planet in the sense that its approach and effect can be felt way ahead of its exact configuration. From the annals of history,…
Moon in Sagittarius square Nodal Axis: Kaleidoscope Tangent
The Moon is in Sagittarius. It is now co-present (and I mean that term differently than the old-timey astrologers sense), with Saturn in the same sign, looming over there somewhere around 20-21 degrees (talking with all KINDS of other bodies in the sky). Before the Moon reaches Saturn though, it dangles in the balance between…
Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: H.A.M.
The annual Libra season is typically a time for gallery openings and banter between acquaintances and other, sundry social events. This year these come with an addition of a primal beat thrumming forcefully in the background of cocktail, or matcha, — depending on your people — sips, and that is Mars conjunct Pluto at 15…
Exploring Reception in the current Mercury in Libra square Mars in Capricorn planetary alignment
Exploring Reception and Non-Reception in the current Mercury in Libra square Mars in Capricorn alignment. After Mercury moves on beyond its conjunction to Jupiter it will be applying a square to Mars in Capricorn. This perfects at 11 degrees of both Libra and Capricorn in the evening of October 13th Eastern time. There is an…
Mercury, Jupiter and Mars – A Dignified Warrior and her Swordfish
While Mercury is in Libra, the mind is clear and objective. This mind is capable of assessments that are free from the biases of desire or preference, allowing for appraisals that consider all the multiple facets of a situation, without exclusion. The decisions that are a consequence of this method of thinking are fully informed. The…
New Moon in Libra – The Bones of Society
The only thing that will bring happiness is affection and warmheartedness. This really brings inner strength and self-confidence, reduces fear, develops trust, and trust brings friendship. We are social animals, and cooperation is necessary for our survival, but cooperation is entirely based on trust. When there is trust, people are brought together—whole nations are brought…