The Meaning of the Sun in Astrology In a birth chart, the Sun is the locus of an individual’s most foundational operational blueprint for this particular incarnation. It is a core motivational narrative for an individual’s existence in this life. It is not the only motivational narrative shown in the chart – but a key…
5 Stand Out Astrological Events in April 2018
The Mercury in Aries- Mars & Saturn in Capricorn square dance – April 5 and 26. First Mercury square Saturn was March 11. Last Mercury square Mars is on May 11. This is a tight squeeze on the mind and on communications. Mercury square Saturn can represent a harsh and critical mind, but it also…
Movement Toward Life – Sun in Aries square Mars in Capricorn
The human being does not find the difficulties of the beginning easy except if you recognize the panorama of the end, and especially if you taste of that a sweetness of the reaping, and you get some of what you wish. ~Shaykh Ibn al-Arabi The Sun in Aries squares Mars in Capricorn at 3 and…
Finding Integrity Under Venus square Saturn
This is the opening square, like the Moon’s first quarter square, of Venus’ conjunction with Saturn back in late December, right around Christmas. Venus in Aries squaring Saturn in Capricorn at 8 degrees speaks to the drive to actualize what feels good to the self running right into a wall of any kind. This aspect…
On Venus’ Encounter with Saturn & Uranus
The image for this post is a screenshot of the album In The City by The Chromatics as the song I’m On Fire was playing. It is the most Venus-Uranus conjunction in Aries song to ever do it. Use your best judgement with acting on romantic / pleasure/ aesthetic impulses as Uranus can stoke that…
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces: A Queer Visionary
New Moon Solar Eclipse at 8 degrees Pisces 12 at 9:58 AM EST February 26, 2017. I was reading this article about the upcoming eclipse and it felt so strange to me to read facts about the eclipse divorced from its impact on humans. Aside of course from the wonder of witnessing a solar eclipse!…
Mercury in Aries in Cazimi with the Sun
Today Mercury is Cazimi in a superior conjunction with the Sun. The cazimi condition is when any planet is close enough to the Sun as to be within 17’ (minutes, or arc minutes) of the Sun. This is close enough out from under the beams of the Sun – 17 degrees away, and…