There are currently six planetary bodies in the sign of Capricorn. The Moon is dark. Tomorrow a new lunar cycle is initiated with a tremendous thrust of energy quietly emanating from a concentrated space of sky. This saturation of the sign Capricorn happens at a time when the awareness and output of people, plants and…
5 Stand-Out Astrological Events in January 2018
Ah, not to be cut off, not through the slightest partition shut out from the law of the stars. The inner — what is it? if not intensified sky, hurled through with birds and deep with the winds of homecoming – Rainer Maria Rilke 1. Uranus Stations Direct — January 2, 2018 — An Impulse…
Live Call on the Astrology of 2018
Join me for a live call on the astrology of 2018. This call is for those who wish to proactively meet the astrological landscape of 2018. Use the information in this call to shape travel plans, business plans, and to meet yourself and others with more understanding and kindness. I will share insights on the…
The End of a Cycle – Saturn and Venus Combust the Sun
Like the Moon, each of the seven classical planets can be tracked in terms of their relationship with the Sun. When the Moon is new, a new cycle of increasing light and energy begins. When the Moon is full, that cycle has reached its culmination, and the fruits of the cycle are more easily observed….
Saturn in Sagittarius Opened with Charlie Hebdo and Closed with the Repeal of Net Neutrality.
Just one month after Saturn entered Sagittarius in 2015 the shooting at the headquarters of the weekly French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo took place in Paris. Two shooters, supposedly murderously inflamed about the magazine’s depictions of the Prophet Muhammad, caused 12 fatalities in an act that reportedly was meant to avenge the Prophet. Immediately, a…
Romping to Know What Romping Means – Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius
During this Mercury Retrograde the opportunity arises to reflect on the ways the mind wavers and falters and how words can fail and inflect various forms of violence. Mercury is romping backwards to understand what romping means. But the same stellar configuration that reflects this harmful potential also provides its remedy. Mercury is moving in…
Remediating Planets in the Birth Chart Part 1
An astrological analysis and exploration of easing problematic potentials in the birth chart.
12 Things To Do While Jupiter is in Scorpio
“Most of us succumb to the magnetic property of things and evaluate events by their tangible results. We appreciate things that are displayed in the realm of space. The truth, however, is that the genuinely precious is encountered in the realm of time rather than in space. Monuments of bronze live by the grace of…
Make a Wish – Jupiter in the Heart of the Sun
When God came to create the world and reveal what was hidden in the depths and disclose light out of darkness, they were all wrapped in one another, and therefore light emerged from darkness and from the impenetrable came forth the profound. ~ Zohar III Click here to sign up for the Atlas Astrology Newsletter…
Transmutation and The Work of Scorpio
Scorpio is a master of camouflage. It obscures what is unready for revelation, but sees through the veils others wrap themselves in to hide. While Scorpio stalks silently among us, it betrays nothing of its inner experience. But when it’s bursting at the seams, it does not conceal but fills the whole room with…