The Mutable Grand Cross we have been experiencing for nearly the whole month of June is now beginning to separate.
Late May and June brought the midpoint of Mars and Saturn retrograde. The potentials of the seed planted by the retrograde station of the planets now begins to bloom into a recognizable plant. Now that the plant is visible above the earth, it can be identified, and from there the appropriate action or non action can be taken.
The most recent Full Moon was a climax for the Sun-Saturn opposition that was exact at the time of the New Moon in Gemini in early June. At that time the process of the retrogrades had light shining on it and could clearly be seen.
However, it might have been just this past week that the message was cognized. Mercury, the planet of thinking and communication, is the last major planet that will journey through Gemini this year. And while it journeyed through the degrees of the cross this past week it stitched together all the various disparate elements of the cross, but this time giving the boon of being able to know with the conscious mind what the message of Saturn retrograde square Neptune especially was, for you.
This would have arrived as a gradual process over the course of the past week, happening through your conversations, in the space of your own head, through a dream, a thought, or realization, or through a message delivered to or from you.
Mars is also at a standstill in the sky, which means here there is a still point. Here there are several possibilities. The symbol speaks of something standing still. That could mean something is not moving, which simply means it is stopped at a point in time. That could mean a hyper focus on a singular issue, working deeply at something, understanding the mechanics of a singular thing in a deeper way, understanding your desire in a deeper way, or working toward a desire relentlessly. More to come on this!
Read about the Mutable Grand Cross Here
And Here
Read about the New Moon in Gemini here
Read about Saturn retrograde here
Read about Saturn square Neptune
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