The Moon is at 27 degrees Virgo striding quickly toward its last aspect before it leaves the sign, a sextile to Saturn. Moon will then be void from 1:16 PM Eastern time to 4:23 PM Eastern time, when it enters Libra. Images for Moon in Virgo sextile Saturn in Scorpio * The bone that is…
Venus Retrograde
Modeling Regal Structures – Horoscope for July 17, 2015
Today we are fresh from the New Moon in Cancer. The Leo Moon is not making any substantial aspects today. Using the major planets and ptolemaic aspects, Moon will be forming a trine to Uranus in the next 11-12 hours. Tomorrow, NorHem, The Moon meets up with Jupiter and Venus as if to say “so…
Birthing the Creative Self – Horoscope for July 7, 2015
Today we find the Moon in Aries entering the Last Quarter Square phase of the Moon cycle over the next 24-48 hours or so. The next two days promise to be dynamic and action oriented as the Moon in fire sign Aries makes numerous aspects – meaning a lot happens on the levels of emotion…
Mineralizing Soul – Capricorn Full Moon 2015
Greetings, Today the Moon passes through the early degrees of Capricorn as it fills to capacity over the course of the next twelve hours. It will perfect fullness at 10:20 PM EDT July 1. This moment is a passage of profound and heavy healing and expansion. We find our emotional disposition stoic and turned to…