The human being does not find the difficulties of the beginning easy except if you recognize the panorama of the end, and especially if you taste of that a sweetness of the reaping, and you get some of what you wish. ~Shaykh Ibn al-Arabi The Sun in Aries squares Mars in Capricorn at 3 and…
On Venus’ Encounter with Saturn & Uranus
The image for this post is a screenshot of the album In The City by The Chromatics as the song I’m On Fire was playing. It is the most Venus-Uranus conjunction in Aries song to ever do it. Use your best judgement with acting on romantic / pleasure/ aesthetic impulses as Uranus can stoke that…
Exploring Reception in the current Mercury in Libra square Mars in Capricorn planetary alignment
Exploring Reception and Non-Reception in the current Mercury in Libra square Mars in Capricorn alignment. After Mercury moves on beyond its conjunction to Jupiter it will be applying a square to Mars in Capricorn. This perfects at 11 degrees of both Libra and Capricorn in the evening of October 13th Eastern time. There is an…
Mercury, Jupiter and Mars – A Dignified Warrior and her Swordfish
While Mercury is in Libra, the mind is clear and objective. This mind is capable of assessments that are free from the biases of desire or preference, allowing for appraisals that consider all the multiple facets of a situation, without exclusion. The decisions that are a consequence of this method of thinking are fully informed. The…
Venus sextile Jupiter – A Study in Reception
Reception is an astrological concept that occurs between planets that are in aspect to each other, where one of the planets is in the essential dignity of the other planet. As I write this, Venus in Cancer is separating from an exact sextile from Jupiter in Virgo. Venus in Cancer is in the sign of…
Venus in Aquarius 2016 — Lightning’s Love and Friendship
As Venus travels through each sign in the Zodiac, this planet demonstrates the feeling tone of charm, affection, sharing, pleasantness, indulgences, tastes, and interpersonal interaction both socially and intimately. Venus is a moderately hot and moist planet. In Aquarius, the sign of the waterbearer, Venus expresses affection to others freely, finding the most pleasurable and…