Full Moon in Capricorn July 9, 2017 at 12:07 am ET, 17 degrees 9 minutes Capricorn – Cancer The Full Moon in Capricorn can raise difficult psychological and emotional material. These would be the kinds of experiences that are easier and more palatable to deny, overlook, or intentionally avoid. This includes power dynamics or differentials…
Moon in Capricorn
New Moon in Capricorn 2016: A Breastplate Forged in a Smithshop
The moment of this New Moon comes as a still point. Though Capricorn is a sign characterized by restraint, the hours in the leadup to the moment of the New Moon were tousled in a big push of energy. The Moon first joined underworld lord Pluto, then squared Uranus for a bit of…
Seeing The Invisible
Hi everyone, The Moon in Capricorn is applying a conjunction to Pluto retrograde. Mercury is slowing down in the final degrees of Virgo and perfecting an alignment with Saturn over the next day or so. The Sun in Virgo is applying a conjunction to Jupiter. We’re building up to the Full Moon at 6 degrees…