Love, art, money and creativity are now going through purification process. That process may be happening in a subdued way, on an internal level, and with deliberation, pace, seriousness, contemplation, and with an associated sense of responsibility. Art, money, personal values, love, and creativity are being cleansed, purified, and given new life as they…
Mercury Retrograde in Taurus Midpoint: Mysteries of the Mind
Mercury and the Sun will meet in the same place in the sky in a conjunction at 19 degrees 25 minutes Taurus on May 9, 2016. This event is the Mercury Retrograde midpoint. It is the middle of Mercury retrograde in Taurus, indicating that half of the Mercury retrograde journey is complete and half remains….
Mercury in Aries in Cazimi with the Sun
Today Mercury is Cazimi in a superior conjunction with the Sun. The cazimi condition is when any planet is close enough to the Sun as to be within 17’ (minutes, or arc minutes) of the Sun. This is close enough out from under the beams of the Sun – 17 degrees away, and…
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra 2016
The Libra Lunar eclipse takes place at 3 degrees Libra – Aries on March 23 2016 at 8:01 AM EDT. It is a penumbral eclipse that will be visible in Asia, Australia, and most of North America. Specific eclipse effects in any given person’s life will be according to the content cultivated in your life…
In the Heart of Sol — Mercury Retrograde Midpoint
What’s past is prologue. ~ Antonio, from The Tempest by William Shakespeare On September 30th Mercury and the Sun meet at the midpoint of the Mercury Retrograde cycle. In this cycle for a few days before their exact meeting, and a few days after, the mind can be a bit frazzled and all over the…