March 2017 Horoscopes This month begins with a vibrant and electric energy that could bring about a quick development, avalanche of surprise events, or an unexpected stroke of luck that offers a chance to break free. This is a free wheeling energy that does ask for conscious engagement rather than flow with previous or existing…
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces: A Queer Visionary
New Moon Solar Eclipse at 8 degrees Pisces 12 at 9:58 AM EST February 26, 2017. I was reading this article about the upcoming eclipse and it felt so strange to me to read facts about the eclipse divorced from its impact on humans. Aside of course from the wonder of witnessing a solar eclipse!…
Exploring Venus in Aries in the Natal Chart
Venus spends 96 days in Aries in 2017, due to her retrograde in Aries/Pisces. This is about three times as long as she normally spends transiting a sign. Since Venus will be spending such a long time in the sign, I thought it would be fitting to explore the charts of people with…
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo: Love, High Fashion, Daring & Politricks
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo 22 degrees 28 minutes February 10, 2017, 7:32 pm EST Lunar eclipses stimulate the emotional body. This month’s lunar eclipse is both magnified in effect, and broadly fiery in quality. While a solar eclipse creates outer events, lunar eclipses cast light on inner states of being, which can then…
Saturn in the Third Decan of Sagittarius
As Saturn has journeyed deeper through the final 10 degrees of Sagittarius, it stimulates the centripetal pull of focused will power and unyielding stare of ‘whatever it takes’. Saturn, the great naysayer, the great denier, is associated with boundaries and thus has the property of dividing or cutting, like Mars. This space in the zodiac…
February 2017 Horosocopes
These horoscopes are also published in the blog section of the Los Angeles Review of Books. February is an eclipse month. During eclipse months, time seems to lose its sense of linearity — it speeds up, and a lot more seems to happen within the space of a calendar month than seems typical or possible….
New Moon in Aquarius 2017 – Origin is Ellipsis
ORIGIN: No soul could have spoken of the universe’s origin since no one could have existed to witness it. Origin is ellipsis. We believe the universe began, because we exist and because we can hear the sounds of its origin. Activating radio telescopes, gazing at the far corners of existence so dark and distant that…
Live Talk on the Astrology of 2017
The Astrology of 2017 This purchase includes: * 2 hr talk in mp3 audio format * 11 page reference sheet covering the main planetary influences of the year and month by month astrology. In this 120+ minute talk, hear about the astrological signatures weaving through the astrology of 2017. Listen to a discussion of Jupiter opposite…
On The Malefics
Mars in Pisces is approaching an exact square to Saturn in Sagittarius. Chiron is also involved. This Mars square Saturn will not be exact until January 19th. However, Mars is a fast planet in the sense that its approach and effect can be felt way ahead of its exact configuration. From the annals of history,…
Full Moon Cancer 2017 – Liberate Creation, Love All The Way Home
Full Moon in Cancer January 12, 2017, 6:34 am EST. 22 Cancer 27 The inner world is alight with shadow figures dancing in the dark. It is night and the Moon is fat and full, brimming with light. The figures dance upon a thick layer of fresh snow. The light of the Full Moon reflects…