Dear all,
Please enjoy the April Astrology podcast. For this podcast I focused on four main themes for the month:
The super activation of the South Node of the Moon
The second Full Moon in Libra in a couple of months, and what that means for you.
The exalted Aries Sun facing off with planetary baddies, Saturn and Pluto
The retrograde emphasis rolling through the month
Here is the aspect list included with this podcast for this month! Because I am working on the Lunar Journaling E-Course, I put special emphasis on the lunar aspects in this aspect list! Look for the Moon glyph, a crescent Moon, and note the date and the aspect it’s making to get a head start on attuning yourself to the lunar cycle.
I mention my Lunar Journaling E-Course, which you can sign up for here.
On the first of every month I open up four spots for sliding scale readings, which you can book here.
Or book a regular reading at the same link.
I am giving a talk in Springfield Virgina on April 20th. Join us!
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