The overall astrology of the first three weeks of the month is saturated with the air element, quickening social connection, conversation, and information sharing. With the presence of several planets in the water element, intuition, instinct, and emotion are also amplified.
Water, traditionally labeled mute because it is wanting for words (which says nothing about its capacity to pointedly perceive; its communicative apparatus are more subtle and refined), can find the words to convey the secrets of inner realms that often escape verbal capture.
Under June’s skies, accessing past memories and becoming aware of hidden beliefs that guide present choices and actions is more readily done. You may wish to choose a preferred healing modality — reflection, journaling, therapy, acupuncture, nature walks, meditation, spiritual connection, augmenting or removing things from life, or any other preferred modality — to access and transmute undesired inner experiences that serve no positive or useful function.
Mercury combust and cazimi in Gemini – June 1-12, June 5 cazimi.
In the opening days of June, the planet of cognition and conversation travels so close to the Sun as to be invisible to the naked eye. But Mercury is in a sign it finds strength in, one of the signs it rules. Rather than being burnt up by being so close to the Sun, it sails by in the clear.
This combination points to more deliberating and planning behind the scenes than there is outward action on those plans. With Mercury behind the Sun but near its exterior conjunction, finding inspiration from outside sources is illustrated. This would be a good time to seek a helpful message or opportunity from another person, especially with respect to speaking and writing. This is also a good time to exteriorize an internal, hidden thought process with someone else or a group of others. These interactions may prove more fruitful at this time.
Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces – June 6
This aspect can raise some anxiety or tension about one’s life or personality. There can be a sense of emotional overwhelm, or a profound dissatisfaction or disillusionment with some facet of life or of one’s self.
The deeper gift of this aspect is a magnetism toward the grace that is a river in constant flow beneath all the different scenes and emotions of life. Neptune in its most benevolent expression is a saintly siren call to harmonizing with a will that is greater than the individual personality.
This would be a great astrological moment to spend in deep nature, to reflect on spiritual truths, to connect with the Divine in whatever way calls to you, or to practice deep self acceptance and affirmation of life.
On a fun note, the mutability of this aspect (Gemini and Pisces are both mutable signs), coupled with Neptune’s inherent iridescence creates a kind of loophole moment. A lot of information can slip out, and a lot of “things” can slip in. If you practice divination or visualization, this could be a day that produces more colorful experiences.
Bewares: deception by self and others. Do: bolster immunity, take cleansing epsom salt bath, protect energetic body, be around influences you are happy “absorbing”. Also the world is more permeable and impressionable at this time, so be mindful to keep strong thought forms positive.
Stellium in Leo with North Node, Venus, Moon (with opposition to stationing Mars) – June 16
The North Node of the Moon brings energy in. The Moon’s touch is the vehicle that provides physical manifestation of planetary signatures. Under this stellium, female or feminine leadership leads the way to growth. A woman or a nurturing person can offer an opportunity or suggestion for beneficial advancement.
Venus remains with the North Node from June 13 to July 9. Beauty, sensuality, fashion, confidence, and friendliness are greatly amplified during this time period, especially from the 14th to the 21st. During this time these qualities and experiences can be brought into form. Because the North Node is also classically considered to be negatively materialistic, watch the urge to blow the budget on that sparkly outfit in the window display.
There are two bewares: there may be some opposition presented from an outside force, or presented externally with an internal origin point. A relinquishment of a desire, impulse, or troublesome emotional pattern is best made in order to get to the good thing.
In any case, on this day, the Moon makes a difficult aspect to Mars, so beware of giving in to an impulse to argue or staying stuck in a negative emotional holding pattern.
Here’s a story that might illustrate this opposition. One of my yoga asana teachers likes to have us do a series of the same posture sequence over and over again, joking while giving cues about not knowing how to get out of this infinite loop of postures. Then finally they will give a cue that leads us out of that sequence and says “oh, it was that easy.” It struck me that that’s what happens when worries and doubts and thoughts start playing on repeat in the mind. Take a deep breathe and redirect the energy into another endeavor!
Sun opposite Saturn with Full Moon – June 26-27
This is the midway point of Saturn’s retrograde cycle. This moment is the Full Moon of Saturn’s cycle with the Sun, and it happens just as the Moon is also approaching its fullness. Saturn’s play in our lives is on full display in this moment.
The Sun and Saturn are planetary opposites. The Sun rules Leo, the most stable part of summer, and Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius, the initiation and establishment of winter. The Sun’s radiance stands in contrast to Saturn’s cold restriction.
But, what Saturn asks of us is nothing less than contemplation on the truth. You can really take that as deep as you want to go with it. Consider the facts of your material life, consider the meaning you find in the activities that flow through your life, consider the deepest truth of things as they are. The world is so chaotic these days that it is a precious gift to be able to contemplate deeply.
That is what astrological moments like these put on offer. If it comes, don’t bother becoming depressed or lingering in criticism. This cardinal moment is one that wants thoughtful, decisive, positive action. Action is the language of Saturn. Its natural centripetal pull, that feeling of clenching your muscles and shivering when it’s cold out, is just a mechanism designed as a nudge in the right direction.
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