This is the opening square, like the Moon’s first quarter square, of Venus’ conjunction with Saturn back in late December, right around Christmas. Venus in Aries squaring Saturn in Capricorn at 8 degrees speaks to the drive to actualize what feels good to the self running right into a wall of any kind.
This aspect says notice where you are displacing your own responsibility for shaping events. Step into the full power of knowing you have a significant say in how things go. Articulate your desire and create the circumstances that allow for the unfolding of that desire.
Be mindful of the corrosive influence of Saturn. It can feel easy to want to destroy something — a relationship, your own sense of self worth, a vision or a dream. It can feel easy to participate in self harm by unkind words or actions toward self.
That is what happens if you give into to the feeling of resistance Saturn generates. And the thing is, giving in to Saturn’s resistance is the path of least resistance.
Fury is a secret response to suffocation by stasis.
The one thing that Venus in Aries wants more than getting moving and moving on to the next thing, is to be able to express it SELF and to be it SELF in its fullness.
No one knows better than YOUR SELF what you need to flourish, to nourish your soul, to feed your spirit, to make your life what you need it to be to be fulfilled.
And what Saturn is saying, is, yes, this is true, but also, do you know what you need, and secondly, what’s your plan. Homie.
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