“Just as Darwin discovered the law of development or organic nature, so Marx discovered the law of development of human history: the simple fact, hitherto concealed by an overgrowth of ideology, that mankind must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing, before it can pursue politics, science, art, religion, etc.”
~Frederick Engels’ speech at the grave of Karl Marx.
“People start to get mighty agitated when their stomachs are full.”
~ Paraphrase of Peter Frase quoting Karl Marx.
“The opposite of a great truth is another great truth.”
~Niels Bohr.
Full Moon in Taurus, 22 degrees 38 minutes Taurus Scorpio, 8:32 AM EST, November 14, 2016.
Things to remember for this Full Moon in Taurus:
* The Moon represents a web. In finding its zodiacal home in Cancer, the Moon’s meaning extends to describe interconnectedness wherever in the zodiac it might be found and whatever it might be doing.
* Connection can be found in the simplicities of life that sustain us. The web that connects us consists in the solid, eternal basics necessary for a life lived with heart. The food we eat together. The love we share with each other. The connection that can be measured in tangibles which allow for the more fluid expression of emotion.
* While the Moon is in Taurus, ask yourself and take note of what nourishes your being and soul. Write it down with your hand on paper. Make that a mainstay in your life from this day.
* Always be giving away the best parts of yourself. (For a Taurus Moon with a Pisces Chiron sextile, this is a weighty one to sit with.)
* The immediacy of novelty need not come at the expense of time-honored wisdom. Sustained change is generated best by disciplined application over time, rather than a series of one off anti-establishment explosions that relieve the the stagnancy of the status quo. Sustained change is better served released by controlled pressure valve over time.
* Death is a bodily disintegration and re-constitution beyond the physical.
* Instantaneousness is a quality of intuition. It is also a quality smart phones & other electronics have. On the other hand, reasoned responses on the part of humans require measured deliberation over time.
* The high tide of the emotionality extends beyond the Full Moon through to the first week of December.
* Over the coming week, take extra caution to opt out of deception and deceptive situations. Go the extra mile to be clear in thought, and clear in communication. Do not exaggerate the usual and commonplace to the unusual and uncommon. Great energy is preserved, cleansed, and generated, when accurate representation in speech is exercised.
* Do not abandon, not for belonging nor excitement, the sober process of independent and circumspect judgement, but rather nourish this process in yourself and others.
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