The New Moon in Gemini takes place June 4 , 2016 at 14 degrees 53 minutes Gemini at 11 p.m. EDT.
This New Moon is part of a complex planetary pattern, with the simplest and most immediate influence being its nearness to Venus. At the time of the New Moon, Venus is only 29 minutes away from the Moon and Sun. For reference, there are 60 minutes within 1 degree of the zodiac, which is comprised of 360 degrees in total.
Venus’ closeness colors the New Moon, putting the themes of relationships and love at the forefront of consciousness at this time. More broadly than the specific forms of relationship, Venus symbolizes a unifying quality, and the activity of joining together.
In Gemini, where the Sun, Moon and Venus are congregated, this unification and joining together is happening on the level of conscious thought. In the moments of the New Moon, what Venus is bringing is the gift of being able to know consciously and place into awareness and language, an understanding of what is happening across many areas of life.
Venus, Moon, and Sun in Gemini all square Neptune in Pisces. The ineffable is knowable with the mind now, and it will even speak in a human language and convey its message in concepts graspable to humans.
Venus, Moon, and Sun all square Jupiter in Virgo. All the practical nuts and bolts changes to effect in day to day life, in order to improve work, relationships, and speech shared with others, are now knowable to the conscious mind.
Venus, Moon, and Sun in Gemini are all opposite Saturn in Sagittarius. There is a gravity and reality to the moment. There is nothing flimsy about this moment. This moment is a reflection of the truth of reality. It is a time to see reality clearly for what it is. It is a time to sit with the question of what is the constitution of the closest relationships in our lives. If they are wanting, if they are disappointing in some way, is there a desire or duty to mend them. If that desire is not there, it is time to consider deeply if it is healthy to sever the tie. If the desire to mend is there then it is a time mend dutifully, with effort, diligence, commitment, compassion and patience. These qualities are the positive hallmark potentials of Venus-Saturn aspects, which can be very obstructive and challenging and harsh.
The Sun’s opposition to Saturn, Sun is standing across the sky, just beyond 180 degrees
away from Saturn, is an important moment in the Saturn retrograde cycle. Sun’s position here marks the half way point of Saturn’s retrograde. From this moment, the blueprint of the ongoing re-organization of the foundational structures in our lives is clear. Whether that means changing or bolstering a work or health routine, changing or bolstering the structure of financial approach, changing or bolstering a business structure, changing or bolstering an intimate relationship or approach to the idea. This turning point deepens the work we are called to do through to Saturn’s direct station in August. Schedule a reading with me to discuss this event in your life.
Saturn in this lunation is crystallizing and giving form to the entire pattern of the Mutable Grand Cross happening over the month of June. Gemini planets stimulate the mind and make it aware of the forces of change operating on us in these times.
This New Moon in Gemini speaks of truth. So often it is the case that truth surpasses speech and can only be known directly, by providence or by divine transmission, by direct perception, by seeing what is present and not visible, or able to be delineated and categorized.
On a day to day and mundane level, this New Moon is an opportunity to cultivate a new beginning in the way we speak with ourselves within the chambers of our hearts and minds, and what we allow to escape those chambers through the breath on our lips and travel to the ears and hearts and spaces of others. It is an opportunity to know the creative power of the word, originating in consciousness, and purify its life within us so that the life created without is sweeter.
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