**This is from a note that recently went out to subscribers. If you would like to receive notes like this when I send them out via e-mail, sign up here. Mercury has gone direct as of 4:49 PM Eastern time, today, January 25th. How is this for Cosmic Timing: Mercury goes direct during a day long…
New Moon in Cancer and the Opposition Aspect
Greetings, Today the Moon is in her darkest face before she is blocked out by the light of the Sun. The earth is at maximum low tide, and as earthians, we are there with her. At the time of the full moon, Mercury and Mars will be together in the sky — the astrological term…
Donne says Soul is Sense – Horoscope for July 14, 2015
The Moon is in Cancer, where she is ruler. She is now in her final moments of waning, dark in the sky, pulling energy away from the earth as her light retreats, and as well pulling energy from us — this is why it’s difficult to find your get up and go when the Moon…
Spotlight on Ceres – The Great Mother
You have waxed into the fullness of life And waned into darkness May you be renewed in tranquility and wisdom. Persephone speaking to the dead upon her voluntary descent to the Underworld
Beyond the Invisible Monster — Tapping Pluto’s Riches
Pluto, especially, is important to recognise in our euphemistic references to the unconscious as the giver of wholeness, a storehouse of abundant riches, a place not of fixation in torment, but a place, if propitiated rightly, that offers fertile plenty. Euphemism is a way of covering anxiety. In antiquity , Pluto (‘ riches’) was said…