Full Moon in Capricorn July 9, 2017 at 12:07 am ET, 17 degrees 9 minutes Capricorn – Cancer The Full Moon in Capricorn can raise difficult psychological and emotional material. These would be the kinds of experiences that are easier and more palatable to deny, overlook, or intentionally avoid. This includes power dynamics or differentials…
pluto transits
Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: H.A.M.
The annual Libra season is typically a time for gallery openings and banter between acquaintances and other, sundry social events. This year these come with an addition of a primal beat thrumming forcefully in the background of cocktail, or matcha, — depending on your people — sips, and that is Mars conjunct Pluto at 15…
Subsurface Potency – Horoscope for July 12, 2015
Today the Moon is in Gemini, separating from a magical square to to Neptune. Five bodies in water means we can both be a bit bogged down in sentiment and emotion while also being in a better position to access the soul. To me, this feels balmy, if heavy and “low and slow”, as I…
Spotlight on Ceres – The Great Mother
You have waxed into the fullness of life And waned into darkness May you be renewed in tranquility and wisdom. Persephone speaking to the dead upon her voluntary descent to the Underworld