The Capricorn Solstice takes place Dec. 21 2015, at 11:48 PM EST. In the Northern Hemisphere the Solstice is the longest night of the year and marks the beginning of Winter. In either hemisphere of the world, as the solstice takes place there is a change of season. As the Sun passes through Sagittarius, the…
Mutual Reception
Mercury in Scorpio, Trickster, Magician
Everything seen has been begotten, because at some point it came to be seen. But the invisible always is, and because it always is, it does not need to become visible. ~ Hermes Trismegestus, Corpus Hermeticum Sign up for the Newsletter — Book a Reading Greetings and welcome to Mercury in Scorpio. This is an…
Venus in Virgo and Mercury Direct
Venus is now in Virgo. In traditional astrology this is the sign where she is considered in her fall. This is often taken to mean that Venus doesn’t express Venusian traits as strongly in Virgo as she does in her opposite sign of Pisces, or in Taurus or Libra, where love is openhearted and given…