Poetry, after all, milks the unconscious. ~Anne Sexton This is a moment in astrology that emphasizes understanding of the strengths possessed in personal identity with regard to about general existence in life – our skills, accomplishments, achievements. Alongside that, there could be a simultaneous awareness of the shortcomings of what could be called the reason for existence. There could…
Buckminster Fuller
Bucky Fuller, Mercury Rx by way of Chart Study
You can never learn less, you can only learn more. ~ Buckminster Fuller If you want to get a comprehensible dose of the vastness of the Universe, look as far into the writings of Buckminster Fuller as humanly possible, then look farther. Like many other groundbreaking geniuses, Bucky was given the exquisitely divine gift of…
Full Moon in Sagittarius June 2nd, 2015 – Heavy on the Saturn, Shaken, Stirred, and Everything In-Between
Tension is the great integrity. ~ Buckminster Fuller. His chart is a great mirror of the current astrology. I’ll be offering an interpretation of it on Friday. The Full Moon at 11 degrees Sagittarius takes place on June 1, 2015 at 12:18 PM EDT. Consider it a big ball of deep knowledge swinging just above…