The next Mercury retrograde will be from September 27 to October 18. Mercury will station at 25 degrees Libra and will retrograde to 10 degrees Libra. As Mercury stations, it will make an extended aspect both to Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter in Aquarius. Both bodies are retrograde. Pluto is stationing and will turn direct…
Two Full Moons in Libra in 2019
The cosmic gods are shunning subtlety in favor of more obvious methods these days. A lot of attention is being called to the Libra areas of our charts. The upcoming Full Moon, happening on April 19 at 7:12 AM ET at 29 degrees of Libra. It is the second one in a row that occurs…
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo: Love, High Fashion, Daring & Politricks
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo 22 degrees 28 minutes February 10, 2017, 7:32 pm EST Lunar eclipses stimulate the emotional body. This month’s lunar eclipse is both magnified in effect, and broadly fiery in quality. While a solar eclipse creates outer events, lunar eclipses cast light on inner states of being, which can then…
Exploring Reception in the current Mercury in Libra square Mars in Capricorn planetary alignment
Exploring Reception and Non-Reception in the current Mercury in Libra square Mars in Capricorn alignment. After Mercury moves on beyond its conjunction to Jupiter it will be applying a square to Mars in Capricorn. This perfects at 11 degrees of both Libra and Capricorn in the evening of October 13th Eastern time. There is an…