This post was originally published to Instagram on February 18 and 26, 2018.
Dear all,
Venus has entered the space between Saturn and Pluto.
From Saturn to Pluto Venus goes. Here are some themes that may emerge and fall away as Venus makes this passage.
Remember that Saturn and Pluto will meet at 22 degrees Capricorn in January 2020, and when planets move in relationship to this space in the sky, they activate the dwindling and yawning spaces between these two planets (depending on where they are in their cycle).
* When Venus touches Saturn, topics of maturity in relationships arises
* New or unestablished relationships may go through a testing period
* The substance of a bond is shown or proven
* Established relationships may deepen
* Commitment may be on the table for some partnerships
* Collapse may be on the table for others
* The willingness to maturely look into the heart of an issue and develop a strategy for moving through it is what strengthens the bond
* Pleasure, joy, or enjoyment may be muted or dampened
Now Venus has moved beyond Saturn and is making its way to Pluto.
* Relationships past may be resurrected
* These include relationships of all types
* Compulsive behavior in relating with others may emerge. How often do we notice when we feed bad behaviors or participate in behavior patterns that we can outgrow, just because they are familiar? Even though we may know they are not what we truly want to be doing, or they generate a negative atmosphere, or we are just doing it because it’s harder at first to create a new behavior pattern?
* Pluto deals with purging and willpower. Sometimes this means creating new behaviors comes from engaging the body while also (I’m going the say the D word) disciplining the mind.
* Remember that in any moment you are free to decide for yourself what you do and do not want to experience and create. Say no when you want to. Including to yourself when you know you can do better.
* It’s also a powerful time to create as well as relate.
* And remember to check if the the beautiful, vital, powerful qualities that may be perceived “out there” or “in them” are ones that you in fact hold, but may not be ready or willing to claim just yet 😉♥️
And because there’s so much Pisces in the air I have to mention self kindness, gentleness, and opening the fertile space of reverie but also it’s Capricorn season for a long time, no matter what else may be happening the sky, so the Capricorn expressions, qualities and language are useful to familiarize ourselves with. ♥️
And more on Venus conjunct the South Node:
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