“Most of us succumb to the magnetic property of things and evaluate events by their tangible results. We appreciate things that are displayed in the realm of space. The truth, however, is that the genuinely precious is encountered in the realm of time rather than in space. Monuments of bronze live by the grace of the memory of those who gaze at their form, while monuments of the soul endure even when banished to the back of the mind. Feelings, thoughts, are our own, while possessions are alien and often treacherous to the self. To be is more essential than to have. Though we deal with things, we live in deeds”.
~ Abraham Joshua Heschel
1. Make close friends with the truth.
The real honest to god truth. The truth about how you actually feel. The truth about the multifarious roots of that feeling. The truth about the entourage of companion feelings supporting the core emotion, keeping it lodged in place. The truth about all the things the core feeling compels you to do, say, believe, or sustain, even if they may not be serving you.
2. Find a truth teller. Have them tell you the truth.
This will usually be the person who does not tell you what you want to hear. This person’s voice is typically the dissonant chord in the chorus of everyone else’s opinions. You will know that this is the truth that is good for you because it will feel like you got a piece of your soul revealed to you, so you could clasp it and paper mache it back in place to the place on your heart where it belongs.
3. Audit what you consume.
This idea encompasses all things that flow through you and from you. What is the quality and quantity of the things you are taking in?
Ideas – uplifting, always the same, always something new, negative, encouraging, discouraging, material, spiritual, putting power in your hands, removing power from you?
Emotions – low and heavy? bright and light? what are the overall prevailing themes?
Environments – suitable to what you need in particular? harmonious and supportive of you?
Thank you Ichrak! You’ve done it again. I find a lot of truth and power in this, and as a Scorpio artist and truth-seeker/celebrator who loves to go deep it was a pleasure to read. I really love the action items you suggest to make this year more powerful and fulfilling. Printing this one out to keep on my wall as a reminder.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Nadine!