A list of poignant tips and available energy for you to tap into this eclipse season, so you can live better.
1. Define Identity and Branding
This eclipse is a great time to discern, create, reinvent, communicate, and disseminate a brand image. It is also a great time to define the people you are serving. Leo is one of the signs that is most about identity; demonstrating it with shine and pizzazz. The energies available now support a clear cognizance of what a brand is all about, and showing that face to the world. This is similarly a good time to speak directly to the hearts of the people you are talking to.
2. Money
This is a good time to brush up on your business’ or clients’ financial goals and projections. This is an especially good time to create plans for financial growth. The caution here is to make sure to be aware of inflation or excessive risk. Work with a sound financial plan and planner. Both you and your present or future clients are feeling more spendy under these skies. Be sure you’ve done your homework on any investments and encourage your clients to do the same. Because of all the flux and fixity present at this time, a long term mindset works better than one that is short term.
3. Define strengths, acknowledge weaknesses
If you work closely with one-on-one clients, this is a great time to frame discussions around what they are particularly good at. Define any talents they have or skills that can be honed to create something like talent. Lean on strengths, highlight them, and develop them with persistence.
4. Group encouragement
If you get together in a group, run a group, or in any way funnel your message through a like-minded group / niche / what have you, this would be the time to put your heads together to life each other up. It is likewise a good time to give more generously of your skillset, experience, and knowledge. Group Q+As, group meetups, and group support are now all supercharged with innovative energy. Creating an atmosphere of practical support benefits people’s more pronounced need to be seen and heard. This can serve to fuel spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and worldly development.
These effects are felt most poignantly from now through the end of August. Their duration can be much longer. The August eclipses are on the 7th and 21st of the month.
Myself and Sabrina Monarch are giving a 2 hour eclipse webinar on July 20th that explores the themes of this eclipse season at length. Tickets are available for purchaseby clicking here.
Stay tuned for my next post in this series coming tomorrow, Eclipse Tips for Lovers, Spouses, and Romantics.
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