The Libra Lunar eclipse takes place at 3 degrees Libra – Aries on March 23 2016 at 8:01 AM EDT. It is a penumbral eclipse that will be visible in Asia, Australia, and most of North America.
Specific eclipse effects in any given person’s life will be according to the content cultivated in your life thus far. Some eclipses affect some people dramatically, and for others certain eclipses pass by as a standard or energized Full Moon would. Remember that significantly positive events can follow an eclipse.
This cardinal eclipse produces accelerated effects seen within 30-90 days. It is a North Node Lunar Eclipse which brings a surge of energy in through the Libra Moon (and its transiting placement in the chart) and creates a temporary vacuum of energy at the Aries Sun point (and the transiting placement in the chart).*
An eclipse in Libra raises themes of the Aries-Libra axis, and other configurations contained at the moment of the Full Moon eclipse. Some themes that are present with this lunation:
- Peacekeeping in relationship
- Being conciliatory at the expense of self interest
- Relationships from the past (Mars slowing to turn retrograde)
- The measure of healthy self-interest vs. domination or misuse of power/strength
- Appropriately and safely expressing rage and anger (i.e., not at other people and especially not in the heat of the moment)
- Keeping the desires of self in mind even in the context of a relationship
- Maintaining individuality within relationship
- The strength of long standing relationships (Venus in Pisces opposite Jupiter in Virgo both square stationary Saturn in Sagittarius)
- Integrating the interests of all parts through harmony
- Harmony as a Divine principle
- The fine line between inflated ego and self interest
- The power of reflection to stymy impulsiveness
- The interplay between indulgence in whatever form, and how that nurtures the ego
- Seeking others to take care of our egos for us in a bid to avoid giving ourselves what we need
- The power of checks and balances in community and peacekeeping
The Full Moon swells up and fills the space with the raw creative power of primal fire. Be cautious with fire and air now – keep lit candles in sight, be extra cautious with glass blowing, or other activities where fire might take on a life of its own.
The Sun part of this Full Moon is in Aries, flanked by a cazimi Mercury – a Mercury in the heart of the Sun. This is an ‘eye of the storm’ placement where Aries Mercury is strengthened. Mercury in Aries has a restless need to assert its thoughts, and may do so brashly and directly. Libra’s counterbalance here reminds to consider that others have points of view worth slowing down to allow space for. However, Aries Mercury says if you have an opinion then why don’t you just say it like I am. Mercury enters Taurus on April 5th. 😉
Both Mercury and the Sun are ruled by a slow-moving Mars, which conjures the image of a group of wild horses raring to go with tight reigns around in their mouths.
And that brings me to the next point. In the coming week, we will have the first Sun- Mars trine of two for the upcoming Mars retrograde cycle.
While the Sun is in a trine to Mars, things move along quite smoothly. There is plenty of energy available and the fire element adds enthusiasm, chutzpah and initiative to the mix. Situations are likely to be moving smoothly and rapidly as the Sun is exalted in Aries in a trine to its ruler.
However, Mars is moving super slowly and preparing to turn retrograde. Remember that once this happens the action principle will be turned inward. That does not mean life does not go on or that we stop living altogether – it just means prepare for a possible reversal, disruption, or crawl (vs the present SPRINT) of energy. Pad your plans with extra time for reassessment on the back half of April if you can!
Another configuration present in this eclipse is the Chiron-South Node conjunction in Pisces. The South Node has the effect of diminishing, decreasing, and taking away. Chiron in Pisces can come through the most layered existential ache that that threatens to sabotage all progress up to this point. I see it as a test. Chiron can show up strongly in the emotions, as an exploration of enoughness, usually the lack of it. But in Pisces, Chiron seeks acceptance of the present self precisely as the self is in this moment, incarnated fleshy human being with all the embellishments that comes with 😉 Whether that self is self-flagellating, seeking perfection, striving, making great effort, seeking good solutions, or thinking high thoughts, compassionate, being successful, and allowing good things to unfold.
A key message of Chiron in Pisces is – the waters of life receive you, unconditionally.
Compassion means remaining present through every experience – rather than seeking to escape whatever is rising in the present. This configuration will activate the particular Chiron themes in your chart. It’s good to be in touch with them as Chiron makes this passage.
Matters of the solidity of relationships, self-interest, healthy assertion and drive (or not), self compassion, and the establishing of foundations are all writ large in the sky at this eclipse moment. The measure of your outer relationships in so many ways is a reflection of your relationship to yourself and what happens between you and yourself in your inner space. On the other hand, relationships — friendships, work, and romantic — can be the most profound self improvement experience we sign up for in this life.
With that I leave you with this quotation from Jiddu Krishnamurti:
“Why do you object to conflict? You all seem to think conflict is a dreadful thing. At present you and I are in conflict, are we not? I am trying to tell you something, and you don’t understand; so there is a sense of friction, conflict. And what is wrong with friction, conflict, disturbance? Must you not be disturbed? Integration does not come when you seek it by avoiding conflict. It is only through conflict, and the understanding of conflict, that there is integration. Integration is one of the most difficult things to come by, because it means a complete unification of your whole being in all that you do, in all that you say, in all that you think. “
With love,
* Information from Judith Hill’s Eclipses and You
March 23, 2016 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra Visibility
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1. Adam and Eve by Albrecht Dürer
2. Portrait of Oswalt Krel by Albrecht Dürer
3. Proportion study of Female Nude with a Shield by Albrecht Dürer
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