The Moon is in Capricorn, the sign of the Boss, through the weekend. Moon goes void with a square to Mercury at 4:15 am EDT April 12.
Meditation for a Cardinal Sky.
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
~ Dr. Seuss
Earth Moon will trine Earth Mars for the next 6-11 hours. Or so. Moon will also sextile Neptune. Moon is answering to an Rx Saturn. We are still reeling from major energetic shifts that came with recent potent eclipse season. We are re-evaluating structures in our life. We are considering our faith and personal philosophies, how much we can do on our own, and if we are insulting god by dreaming too small. Today will be a productive day for anyone who wants to make a concerted effort to make headway in any area of their life. Moon-Mars trine. Sometimes Fridays are work days. The only air in the sky is a Libra NN so actively cultivating some mental masturbation with a friend or partner is recommended. Get feedback. Otherwise remember that pushing forward is done with particular finesse when we give ourselves time to retreat. Tonight favors creativity. Encourage yourself to write a poem or pick up a paintbrush or pencil even if you’re not a self-identified artist. There is therapy there. Moon is applying to Pluto for the next 15-20 hours. You could have unpalatable impulses arise. Make space for that. Flipping out is optional. Otherwise another use of the energy is just a whole lot of life force coursing through you; direct that as you please, people of the world.
Lots of love from a gray skied East Coast near the United States Capital.
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