Creation of Light, c.1826 by George Richmond
The month of December is upon us. This month we have quite a few planetary events that suggest there is a lot shifting and changing as we head into the new year. Below I list each of the major events below, with a description of what you might expect, and how to surf the energy. (Now that I live in California, I employ phrases like “surf the energy”)
I am also working on a gift for you that I know you will love! I can’t wait to share it with you and I am hoping to have it out this week or next! I will send an e-mail to you once it’s released so make sure you are on my mailing list to get the announcement.
December 2022 Astrology Overview
Dec 1 – Neptune stations direct at 20 degrees
This station can be particularly important in two cases. First, if you have any planets at 20 degrees of the mutable signs. The hallmark of this station, which can be felt by those who may not be having a Neptune transit right now, can be a need to slow down, to reflect, to dwell in imagination. It’s not the best transit for linear, logical A-type thinking. It’s the kind of energy where you take a walk, or sit under a tree, or just lay in bed staring out a window, and information comes to you, or inner threads get tied or resolved or released, all on their own. It’s a being, not a doing, transit.
Dec 4 – Eclipse in Sagittarius – New Moon Eclipse/Solar Eclipse at 12 degrees
South Node eclipse has to do with endings, release, closure, completion. There may be a need to end a cycle or an aspect of it that has been draining or depleting for some time. This is a new moon eclipse, a time when the moon is dark, and even the light of the sun goes out temporarily. In Jyotish it’s said that the impacts of lunar eclipses are there only if the eclipse is visible where you are. But solar eclipses impact the whole world, despite its local visibility. So since both luminaries are off for the moment, it truly is a time to go within and use intuition, to feel what just feels right for us. If you meditate, eclipses are a great time for that. If you don’t usually meditate, this is a good time to do it if it feels comfortable for you. This is the last of the eclipses in Sagittarius and Gemini, and its theme of completion is emphasized by the new moon’s ruler, Jupiter, transiting through the final degrees of Aquarius. Where in your chart is the new moon happening for you? Are you seeing this energy unfold in your life? This eclipse closes the eclipse portal which can be marked by disruption of patterns or change in routine, especially if either of these two eclipses touched your birth chart within four degrees.
Dec 13 – Mercury moves into Capricorn
Communication gets more focused, consistent, and stable as Mercury tours Capricorn.
Dec 13 – Mars into Sagittarius
Mars moves from its very strategic and well placed location in Scorpio, to the heights of Sagittarius. This brings us from water to fire, which lightens the energy and brings in movement. There is a wider set of activities that we may now find that we are inclined to apply ourselves to, or just find ourselves in with this change. (In other words we may now be doing a lot across many areas of life with this shift – but be careful not to spread yourself too thin or take on more than you can handle). It’s a fiery and philosophical Mars, and there may be a feeling of wanting to fight for our beliefs or preach about our beliefs. Or our core beliefs may play a more important role in the actions we take as Mars moves through Sagittarius
Dec 18 – Full Moon in Gemini – 27 degrees Gemini at 11:35 PM ET
A full moon of connection, conversation, communication and socializing. This is a great time to connect with friends and loved ones, especially those we may have not seen or connected with in some time.
December 19 – Venus stations Retrograde at 26 degrees Capricorn
I have a post written on this on my blog, so click here to revisit that if you want to re-read it. But to add some additional new points, this Venus retrograde is a in a Saturn ruled sign, which is a double theme of commitment and longevity. The retrograde is rarer than a Mercury retrograde, which happens 3 times per year. Venus retrogrades happen every 18 months. So its action is a little deeper and more significant. It is similar to a Mercury retrograde in that we do still have to re-do and re-assess, revise, and all the re words are all appropriate for this passage. It is a period of time where we will be reassessing our levels of satisfaction in the Capricorn parts of our charts, and with certain situations in our lives. Again, Venus is with Pluto and makes three contacts with Pluto during its retrograde cycle. So this is an invitation to go deep, to purify, to purge, to be honest, and to express vulnerability in a safe way, in a safe space, with safe people. This process can be transformational and cathartic. This retrograde may be particularly impactful for you if you
Are a Taurus or Libra ascendant
Have Taurus or Libra MC
Have many Taurus or Libra planets in your chart
Have planets or points in Capricorn where Venus will be transiting
Are in a profected Taurus, Libra, or Capricorn year.
Dec 21 – Solstice – Sun enters Capricorn – Tuesday Dec 21
Dec 24 – Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus at 11 degrees
Dec 28 – Jupiter enters Pisces
Jupiter enters its nocturnal home sign. Jupiter themes are more easily accessible now, like protection, healing, and soothing events and experiences. Inspiration, intuition, imagination are all emphasized with Jupiter entering Pisces. Jupiter moves from air to water, and with it brings more satisfaction with experiences that deepen, soften, inspire us. The Pisces part of all of our charts are blessed with Jupiter here. It’s a great transit to really experience good things and set positive events in motion in this part of life and in the parts of life Jupiter will be touching by transit to other planets. Jupiter becomes free from its restriction of being in a Saturn ruled sign and being with Saturn in the same sign for the past two years. It will remain in Pisces through May, dip into Aries for a few months, then come back to Pisces in October of 2022.
Wishing you a wonderful month of December!
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