In Jyotish the south node of the moon is known as Ketu, and that’s where some of its most rich lore and symbolism is held. The south node is associated with the qualities of draining, purging, releasing. It can describe an outward energy of escape. However, interestingly, the south node is also known to bring awareness and experience inward, where attention can become fixed on the distant past, or to the most inward depths of one’s own consciousness and being. The south node and transiting planets both being in Sagittarius I think is particularly transportative… Spell check is telling me that’s not a word, but I often say it. It’s a verb for being taken from one place to another by a particular experience, as if in a vehicle. Sagittarius can describe all things far away and distant. And our own inner depths can take us to journeys beyond the quotidian foci of routine life.
Nature’s expanses and distances can lead us inward, or expand the awareness in a way that broadens understanding, and may be ineffable — or at least, words fall short of expressing the grandeur of the experience. The nearest stream or lake, ocean, forest, or even simply watching the moving sky above can take any of us to this more expansive awareness.
Beyond taking the mind to inward places, the energy, or some narrative of this week might largely be about or feel like the following:
- Emptying, draining, purging
- Letting go
- Standing down or stepping down
- Meditating deeply or deep thinking
- Deep conversation
The mind takes on a strongly intuitive cast - Movement inspires stillness (Sagittarius often thinks best while moving, which is why you’ll see them fidgeting or bouncing their leg or walking when they are doing their deep thinking!)
If you are considering or feeling any of these themes right now, you’re right on track with the energy pulsing through the atmosphere. (And of course it’s also totally right on track if you’re not feeling it. Your attention might be focused elsewhere!)
This is more of a time for release than it is for calling in or building. Release does not always have to come before building, but the energy now is trending in that direction. Especially in this moment between eclipses.

Year Ahead Readings are a comprehensive overview of the astrology of 2022 as it applies to your birth chart. In every reading, I incorporate the annual profections technique, which defines a theme for the year that is unique to you, in addition to looking at the transits to your chart.
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If you would like to get a sense of the planetary winds by which to set your sails, you can book through this link.
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