Mars and Saturn are currently in a square aspect. Some of us (ahem, those of us in Mars or Saturn ruled profection years, or who have a Mars Saturn hard aspect natally) may be feeling this more than others.
I thought I’d pop in quickly to say that the current Mars Saturn square between Scorpio and Aquarius will peak on November 11th. So by Friday the energy begins to fade. And there are are dates within the next ten months or so when this kind of Mars-Saturn pressure is activated.
During these planetary events, it may feel like the pressure is on, and keeps heaping itself into a bigger and more serious pile. There’s a trick to working with this energy, and that’s just to move through it with determination, grit, and will. It can even be phenomenal energy to use to move the immovable (or just get through a mountain of work).
Timelines, pressure, benchmarks, and measurable goalposts are hallmarks of this planetary aspect and a key to working with and through it.
For those who may be in a Mars or Saturn ruled profection year, here are the dates when this energy is activated in the foreseeable future (through to the Mars Rx of 2022):
The week or so around November 11, 2021, when the square is exact between 7 degrees Scorpio and Aquarius.
The week or so around April 4, 2022, when Mars and Saturn are conjunct at 22 degrees Aquariu.
The week or so around August 7, 2022, when Mars is square Saturn retrograde from 22 Taurus to 22 Aquarius.
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