The Solstice is an amplified manifestation window
Today is the Summer Solstice in in the Northern Hemisphere.
It is a powerful opportunity to attune and harness the immensely powerful energy by intentionally amplifying desired experiences and outcomes.
A handful of ways to do this:
* Spend at least 10-15 intentional minutes in the sun
* Safely scent the air with sweet aromas
* Play music that elevates the frequency in your home. I was playing Ganesha mantras this morning! I was playing Aguanile radio by Marc Anthony last night!
* Do whatever your practice is to tune in and connect
* Journal around desired outcomes between now & the next solstice
* Audibly call in desired experiences
* Pray for yourself and also pray for the world.
* Anchor in the light! Be the walking vortex vessel that magnetizes the light of Good, the light of God, the light of Beauty, Harmony, Peace, Acceptance, Radiance, Understanding into our Mother Earth
Over so many years and so many traditions I always heard – having a human body is the greatest boon.
For a long time a wondered why!
Now I know there are so many reasons why.
Having a human body is a precious opportunity to be a vessel to bring more light into the Universe. Spirits can’t do what humans can do. Spirits can’t chant divine mantras, light incense, use the human power of intention and creativity, offer flowers to the ocean or to the river, meditate on the mountain….. humans can!
Use this powerful day to be intentional with thoughts, speech, and projecting your vision into the future.
* The solstice takes place on June 20, 2021 at 11:32pm ET / 8:32pm PT
Blessings of a beautiful Solstice!
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